
if you happen to run your home page on trac (like me), then you'd
probably like the Google Sitemap plugin for trac. You're welcome to
check it out.

http://voidblog.de/wiki/GoogleSitemap (hosted here)


-  Christian

p.s.: The day I've started to work on this idea, Harald Radi of NME,
Austria did so, too. He happened to put his version of a Google
Sitemaps plugin into trac-hacks.org just some hours before I did, so
now we have two of them: Haralds GoogleSitemapsPlugin (notice the
second 's' of 'Sitemaps') and GoogleSitemapPlugin (this is mine).

Harald and I are working together to bring the two plugins into one,
most likely it will be my code base where we integrate his additional

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