Leon Torres wrote:
It doesn't quite match what the user types in. The specific issue my boss had was when he was typing in several lines like follows:

Line 1.
Line 2.
Line 3.

This isn't an itemized list, just several lines intended to be separated by a CR. The wiki formatting put them all into one paragraph:

Line1. Line2. Line3.

Whereas in a standard <pre> text, it would come out exactly as the user typed.

A middle term would be to simply respect newlines, as we already do for
changeset messages. That would avoid most of the issues. I wanted to do
that for 0.11 anyway, but wondered about what the default should be.
Like we have now, or escape newlines enabled by default?

Now that we're talking about the wiki, I'd like to get some feedback
about two other possible changes:
- what about allowing bulleted list to start at the beginning of line?
The constraint of the space in front is a bit artificial, as I don't see
many possibility of having "false positive". (1)
- the WikiCreole "standardization" initiative is an interesting one, and
we can get close without sacrificing much (if anything). (2)

I'd be interested to get some feedback on the above points.

-- Christian

(1) - http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/124#comment:13
(2) - http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/4356

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