I've copied the Trac-dev list on this since it's a development issue.
Please continue the discussion on that list.

-- Matt Good

On Feb 9, 1:31 am, "Michael Renzmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all.
> As some of you might already know, I'm running the Trac installation on
> madwifi.org. We're happy with Trac, it's a great tool that we don't want
> to miss anymore. But there is one issue that we would like to see
> addressed: performance.
> Background
> ==========
> Our handicap is that the server that currently hosts madwifi.org
> a) hosts several sites
> b) has a slow CPU (P3-800)
> c) runs on Apache 2.0 with mpm_prefork and can not switch to, for example,
> mpm_worker - another site depends on mod_php, and mod_php doesn't like
> mpm_worker
> The site will move to a dedicated server soon, which should mitigate the
> performance issues we experience (as described below) a bit - no more
> mod_php, so mpm_worker will finally be possible. However, the available
> CPU power won't be much better: P3-850 instead of P3-800. Changing to a
> more powerful server is not (yet) possible due to a lack of money. We have
> to take what we get.
> The problem
> ===========
> For every request to a Trac-driven site, Trac has to "render" the content
> first. In case of a wiki page as an example that would be something like:
> get the markup for the page from the database and process it, getting the
> HTML tag soup as result that then is delivered to the requesting client.
> The more complex the "source" of a requested page is, the more CPU time is
> consumed by Trac to render it. An example for such a case is our
> compatibility list athttp://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility- if that page
> gets hit by several clients in parallel, the server is getting really
> slow.
> (Yes, I'm aware that reducing the complexity of the mentioned page will be
> a way to relieve the pain a bit, and actually that is work in progress -
> but that's not the point here :)).
> On the other hand, the majority of the frequently requested pages seem to
> be rarely changed. So the question for me is: why should Trac compute the
> same page over and over again when most of the time the result will be the
> same as for the last request?
> The suggested solution: caching
> ===============================
> In theory, it shouldn't be hard to store the result of rendering a page
> and serve subsequent requests for that page out of the cache. Adding
> support for conditional HTTP requests (If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since
> headers) at the same time could help to reduce the used bandwidth.
> The easiest way to handle cache updates would be to remove cached results
> when the corresponding page gets modified. Next time that page is
> requested, it is rendered (including the changes) and the result gets
> stored in the cache again.
> Caching might become a problem for really dynamic sections of a Trac site,
> such as the reports. But it should relieve the server for mostly-static
> parts, which - at least on madwifi.org - make the majority of the site.
> Another issue that should be considered is that pages could look different
> for different users - depending on their permissions. That could be solved
> in various ways, for example:
> * no caching for pages requested by a non-anonymous user
> * implement a per-user cache (needs to be wiped when permissions for a
> user are changed)
> * take the actual permissions into account when storing and retrieving
> pages to/from the cache
> Comments?
> =========
> I'd be interested in comments on the sketched idea. Even more, it would be
> great if there was someone who would be interested in helping to implement
> it :)
> Bye, Mike
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
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