First off, this doesn't directly answer your question(sorry). 

That said, we've found it useful to do development of this nature(that
which can cause downtime/issues on live systems) on a VM, then implement
any changes on the live server. It has allowed us to avoid a lot of

Hope this helps!

James Guyton (JGU)

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jennifer A. Drummond
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:36 PM
Subject: [Trac] Customizing lower-level CS templates

Hi. I'm aware of the maintenance problems involved with hacking on, say,

ticket.html, but I'd like to try it anyway. Is there a way to customize
template at that level per project, so I can play around with it on my 
developmental project without affecting my live Trac instance?

I know I can duplicate items in [codedir]/trac/templates/, like 
history_view.html or error.html, into my [projectdir]/templates/ 
directory. What I want to do is duplicate items like 
[codedir]/trac/ticket/templates/ticket.html into a single project so I
mess around with them, but so far I can't figure out the right path.
Is what I'm trying to do possible? I'd like to avoid installing Trac on
whole different server just so I can play around with the core
Thanks in advance!

=-=-> Jenn Drummond // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Project Developer, Connexions Project (
      Rice University

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