Christian Boos wrote:
> Hello,
> Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
>> I'd like to write a new-style (v0.11, expand_macro) plug-in to return all the
>> open and closed tickets for a given milestone:
>>   [[MilestoneInfo(Foo_2.1, Foo_2.0)]]
>> (the second arg is the version to use when submitting a new ticket, see 
>> below)
>> I'd like it to do exactly what this wiki markup does:
>> =========================
>> Foo 2.1:
>> '''Open tickets:'''
>> [[TicketQuery(milestone=Foo_2.1&status!=closed)]]
>> '''Closed tickets:'''
>> [[TicketQuery(milestone=Foo_2.1&status=closed)]]
>> You can submit a
>> [http://www/trac/newticket?milestone=Foo_2.1&component=Foo&version=Foo_2.0 
>> new
>> ticket] here.
>> =========================
>> Can I just have my macro expand the above wiki text after appropriate string
>> substitution, or do I need to do the ticket queries myself using sql, and
>> build up the resulting HTML? (I hope not)
>> In other words, what should expand_macro return?  Wiki markup, or HTML?
> HTML, or rather a Markup string. This is what wiki_to_html () returns, 
> so you could just build the wiki markup text above, call wiki_to_html() 
> on it and return that.

Just for the archives: I found a way to do this without using the deprecated
wiki_to_html method:

        # Convert Wiki markup to HTML, new style
        out = StringIO()
        Formatter(formatter.context).format(text, out)
        return Markup(out.getvalue())

Perhaps the Formatter object could have a new wiki_to_html() method that would
just do the above code?  Seems like a common need, and it was easy the old way.


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