On Nov 9, 2007 1:00 PM, Tyrone Hed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  And, frankly, telling me that yet another variant should be tried does not 
> inspire confidence. I have to wonder: is this the way you guys planned this 
> to be? With guess-which-version works with your stuff?

I am getting pretty sick of this question being asked over and over
again, so I'm going to write something to address this question once
and for all.

Back in the 1990s, Microsoft thought, "You know, there is a real
market for interchangable parts to programs."  OLE 1.0 was what had
initially shown them the light.  However, there were a number of
technical issues that interfered with capitalizing on this market, so
thus they invented COM.  COM offers components with standardized
interfaces that, indeed, makes good on their promise of interchangable
parts.  But all was not well; COM had run into severe usability issues
in the form of lack-luster and ill-defined security mechanisms and, of
course, "DLL-hell."  Of relevance to your issues, I'm focusing on the
DLL-hell that ensued.

A whole industry evolved out of DLL hell, called "installers."
Installers took care of placing things where they needed to be,
updated the registry, and so much more, all to give the end-user the
illusion of a seamless, effortless install.  Largely, it worked.  But
every time Microsoft alters some technology, you inevitably end up
dealing with DLL hell again -- what version of MSVCRT.DLL does THIS
program need, and why is it incompatible with THAT program?  These
issues continue to plague Windows developers today, albeit not as much
as they used to, because Windows 2000 introduced per-program library
path searches and registry key organizations.  Still, it happens more
often than you think.  I know -- I used to administer a large
collection of Win2K and 2K3 servers for a significant ISP.

Still, despite all this effort, the problem of re-usable software
remains unsolved.  People are all the time re-inventing the wheel,
because programmers are realizing that wooden wagon wheels don't fit
on Ferraris, and wheels for a Toyota Prius don't work well on shopping
carts.  The end result is a multitude of programs which depend on a
multitude of different components, to this very day.  It seems that
the only thing truely reusable is the _concept_ of a wheel, while the
physical reiification of that concept is as domain-specific as the
domain to which it's applied.

So, why can Windows largely "just work" and not Unix?  Let's ignore
the subjectivity of this question, and concentrate on what can be
objectively measured from the perspective of a Windows developer.
Frankly, it's because Microsoft Is God when it comes to the Windows
platform.  They decide (A) what CPU the OS runs on, (B) what libraries
get searched, where, and when, (C) the semantics of various registry
keys, etc.  There is never any question about "what distribution" of
Windows you have -- they have total, precise, and absolute control
over all distributions of Windows.  (Footnote: It turns out this isn't
entirely true; there are a myriad different implementations of WinCE,
and try as they might, not all implementations are compatible with
each other.  But, we see distinct parallels between WinCE and
Unix-derived platforms, in that Microsoft _doesn't_ control (A) when
it comes to the embedded world.  It's amazing how flimsy a tripod
becomes when you kick out one of its legs, eh?)

This is not the case with Linux, BSD, Solaris, or other Unix-type
OSes.  Here, POSIX (the common API all these OSes share) is a paper
standard, not an implementation standard.  Therefore, differing
implementations of the API may have subtly different semantics which,
largely, isn't usually of any real concern.  Part of those semantics
covers how the shell finds executables, how the dynamic linker finds
shared libraries, and other non-kernel-related stuff.  Remember, POSIX
covers not just the kernel API, but the user's experience and
expectations as well.  It is a shame, but POSIX is more nebulous about
the latter than the former; it has to be, or else there is no point in
having multiple vendors competing with each other in the free market.
An all-encompassing standard is no different than a monopoly, and
POSIX was careful to avoid the pitfalls of stifling unique selling
points of various vendors.

Nonetheless, the open source community has discovered that it largely
has already solved the "code reusability" problem long before
Microsoft had identified it as a potentially profitable market.  There
are programs and libraries distributed all the time, and no
proprietary, binary-level interface is needed.  The problems of
coupling programs together seems to always depend on filesystem-level
or shell environment dependencies.  It almost never depends on
anything else.  This speaks volumes of the technique, considering,
after all, there is no grand overlord, no Binary God, no planned
design to cover this interoperation.  It is an organic evolution,
driven by necessity.

Observe: the open source community couples programs together with,
usually, shell environment variables (e.g., PYTHONPATH in Trac, used
to find a Python module that couples to ClearSilver); to the Windows
crowd, this is equivalent to a registry setting with a well-known
HKEY.  Two different technologies, each with their own pros and cons,
but at the end of the day, both doing the same job: facilitating two
program modules, written by different authors, possibly on different
continents, to work together.

To summarize: Windows gives computer users the illusion that software
is simple, easy to install and administer, and equally easy to upgrade
later on.  This illusion, however, disperses as soon as you run into
the need for periodic registry cleaners, and any time you must
manually summon REGEDT32.EXE or its ilk to look at how a program has
wedged itself into the registry to fix some obscure problem.  COM did
nothing to make the solutions easier; it only created additional
layers of complexity and indirection that allowed a market addressing
its problems to grow.  The Windows UI did nothing to make installing a
program easier; it merely shifted the burden of difficulty from "easy
installation" to "stupifying difficulty" when things go wrong later,
resolving DLL-hell and other problems.  Just as your "neo_cgi.so" file
problems give you heart-ache, you get the exact same problems in
Windows, where a CLASSID of some kind refers to a non-existent process
or DLL.  Go ahead and remove or rename a file referred to by any
HKEY_CLASS registry key, and just watch how crippled your dependent
applications become.  It's the same thing.

The fact is: programs these days rarely exist in a vacuum.  They
depend, at a minimum, upon the interfaces exposed by the operating
system.  They very often depend on services written by other authors,
and distributed in other modules, precisely because the programmer
isn't interested in solving an already solved problem.  Whether your
interfaces are exposed as Python modules or as COM objects is utterly
immaterial -- a dependency is a dependency is a dependency, and it
must, at some level, be dealt with.

There are many many thousands of satisfied Trac users.  I'm one of
them.  I installed TWO instances in a very short amount of time, on
two very different OS environments (Ubuntu, with the help of apt-get,
and GoboLinux, which required installation by hand).  My web service
provider installed it, upon my request, in less then one day.  This
isn't hard stuff.  But it IS perhaps DIFFERENT stuff from what you're
used to.  The problem of software complexity is intrinsic in software
itself; it has nothing at all to do with how Microsoft, Apple, IBM, or
the bazillions of different Linux distributions handles it.  Likewise,
the folks who wrote Trac didn't sit down and nefariously plan,
"Bwaahaha!  This will weed out the slackers from the real men!"  No;
they identified a problem relevant to them, and they solved that
problem with the best tools available at that time.  They list their
dependencies relatively clearly, certainly clearly enough for someone
as disinterested in how Trac works under the hood as I am, to install
it effortlessly.  OTOH, I'm familiar with how open source and Unix
dependency management works.  You're obviously not.  Your world is
dominated by how Microsoft does things.  This isn't Microsoft; welcome
to a wider world.

Moreover, it's been identified several times that AIX is a problematic
implementation of Unix.  You know how problematic it is?  IBM, the
very authors of AIX itself, have all but swept AIX under the carpet to
persue Linux-only solutions.  Even IBM is embarrassed by AIX.
Promotional materials for AIX-based solutions mention it seemingly in
passing only.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I've actually
seen a promotion for AIX.  That should tell you something.

So, I ask you, once again, to please refrain from blaming Trac, Trac's
authors, or the Trac community in general, for problems that are
singularly your own.  We've offered to help, and we do regret that our
proposals have not worked for you.  No enterprise can satisfy all its
customers.  Particularly since we've given you far more technical
support than your $125/incident would get you at Microsoft.

There are alternatives available; I've already identified Sourceforge
as a potentially viable alternative.  Savannah is another (it's
actually a GNU version of Sourceforge).  Or, have you considered
writing your own?  I know for a fact that, e.g., MoinMoin wiki has a
bug tracker plug-in for it (the Darcs website is implemented this way,
for example), and Trac's other features can be implemented via various
CGI modules offered through other parties.  It may not be as "all
inclusive/integrated" as you'd like, but the solutions do work.
They've worked for years for many people.

Samuel A. Falvo II

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