On Jun 23, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Scott Bussinger wrote:

>> Is this a common scenario? What kind of lists are you creating that
>> you don't want a bullet for?
> I chatted with the people that were looking for this and they were
> trying to imitate the layout of some existing help pages. The contents
> were essentially a list of instructions. Not so much a step by step
> (which is why they didn't think a numbered list was appropriate) and
> having bullets was distracting, but they didn't like all of the
> paragraph breaks making the page very tall.
> I've changed the stylesheet to use a more diminutive bullet image and
> that's helping as well. So while I think the non-bulleted lists would
> be a good thing, I don't think it's a terribly important feature
> either.
> Does anyone else think non-bulleted lists sound useful? If not, I'll
> drop it. If there's more interest, I'll create a ticket for it.

It sounds like a decent feature for a general "extra wiki formatter  
stuffs" plugin. I would recommend starting one if it doesn't exist  
already. General dumping ground for wiki formatting that is somewhat  
reusable, but probably not needed enough to be in the core syntax.


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