On 24/06/2008, Eirik Schwenke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Noah Kantrowitz skrev 24-06-2008 14:13:
> | On Jun 24, 2008, at 6:03 AM, Eirik Schwenke wrote:
> |> Noah Kantrowitz skrev 23-06-2008 21:56:
> |>> On Jun 23, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> |>>> On Jun 23, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Eirik Schwenke wrote:
> |>>>> Noah Kantrowitz skrev 23-06-2008 16:54:
> |>>>>> On Jun 23, 2008, at 5:28 AM, Jani Tiainen wrote:
> (... tidying up a bit ...)
> #posix shell solution - noah
> for f in `ls /var/trac`
> do
> ~  echo -e '\n[inherit]\nfile = /usr/share/trac/conf/trac.ini\n'\
> ~    >>"var/trac/$f"
> done
> |>>>> [D]oes anyone know of a "reasonable" package that would
> |>>>> allow asimilarly short example in python, that remained somewhat
> |>>>> portable ?
> |>>>>
> |>>>> I'm not looking for something like ipython, the defunct pysh or
> |>>>> pythonShell --
> |>>>> just some helpful filesystem iterators that aren't quite as
> |>>>> verbose as os.path.*
> (...)
> |> import os
> |>
> |> for root, files, dirs in os.walk("/var/trac"):
> |> ~  for file in files:
> |> ~    if file.lower() == "trac.ini":
> |> ~      with open(os.path.join(root,file), "a") as f:
> |> ~        f.writelines(["[inherit]", "blah=something"])
> |>
> |>
> (...)
> |> Still a python find-module seems like a good (and pretty simple) idea.
> |
> | See `iwalk | filter`.
> I did have a look at ipipe (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/UsingIPipe), but
> in
> some ways i think it's the wrong solution to the right problem.
> While borrowing syntax from the shell might be a nice fit for working from
> within ipython - it feels a bit "bolted on" -- especially when working from
> say
> an install script.
> I'm perfectly happy using bash, awk, grep and find on the command line --
> and
> ipython is a fine python debug/eval/test-tool; but adding that interface to
> python "directly" leads down the path to perl IMNHO.
> Python already has list comprehensions, map, lamda and filter -- I'd much
> rather have a "first rate" object/graph mapping of the filesystem in a way
> that
> feels natural to "standard" python, than a half-baked shell meta-language
> (not
> that there's anything wrong with a half-baked meta-languages in and of
> themselves, but I'd rather have one obvious and suitably lazy way to do
> things,
> while still being readable :-)
> Anyway, thanks for all the input -- I'll leave this alone until I get around
> to
> implementing a "correct" solution ;-)
> Best regards,
> - --
> ~ .---.  Eirik Schwenke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ( NSD ) Harald HÃ¥rfagresgate 29            Rom 150
> ~ '---'  N-5007 Bergen            tlf: (555) 889 13
> ~  GPG-key at pgp.mit.edu  Id 0x8AA3392C
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> =XRxi
> >


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