On Jul 9, 2008, at 2:39 AM, Daniel Lowicki wrote:

> Hi,
> been thinking about how to make multiple clones the simplest way.
> I was thinking about right-clicking the clone button for selecting - 
> > new tab. Doubtfully there are right-click options here.
> -          would it be possible to ad a “clone to new tab”
> -          possibly even add an option to make x clones at once (to  
> new tabs)
> The reason for coming up with this ist that I am (still) trying to  
> define a workflow for the situation where a bug needs to be
> fixed by several developers. This way the original ticket could  
> always stay open while you edit the clones.
> Something like this .. Open a ticket – assign to group leader – he  
> then clones the ticket and assigns the single tasks to his developers.
> In the best case those clones would already contain a “blocke  
> by” (the original ticket) if masterticketplugin is installed.
> I can’t code this – but if someone finds it fancy (or even  
> useful) .. I’d appreciate if these points were added to a wish list J

HTML knows nothing about tabs in browsers. There is an odd semantic  
hack to open in new windows, and some browsers allow changing open in  
new window to in new tab, but this would be very site-specific. The  
clone button should just be a form button that submits a GET request.  
It might be possible to make it an <a> instead, just need to match the  
styling, This would allow you to open in a new tab as normal.

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