Since i broke my head to understand what was going on, i wish to share
this info in the hope that it may help someone to avoid the loss of
time i had.

If you install any version of svn and related python bindings after
version 1.5.0 with apache 2.0 on Windows (up to the latest released
2.0.63) you won't be able to access any longer svn repositories from
trac and you'll get the infamous "Unsupported version control system
"svn": DLL load failed with error code 182" message.

The problem is that apache 2.0 is shipping an old version of
ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll that are no longer compatible with
latest svn dlls (the same released with python bindings).
No matter how do you fiddle with PATH env or PythonPath declaration,
Apache2 /bin dll's will always be loaded first, so the only options
you have is to remove them from the Apache2 /bin so that those in
Subversion/bin are loaded instead (Subversion/bin must be on the path)
or substituting those in Apache2 /bin with those copied from

I don't know exactly when this happened, i migrated from svn 1.4.6 to
1.5.3, then i tested also 1.5.1 that i downloaded some time ago with
same results, so i can assure that the problem exist at least after
1.5.0 and with Apache 2.0.61 and 2.0.63, but it could exist also in
any intermediate version after 1.4.6.

Best wishes to everybody.

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