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Christian Boos skrev 08. juni 2009 16:26:
> Eirik Schwenke wrote:
>> Christian Boos mentioned "the WikiEngine refactoring which will make it
>> possible to generate structured output (e.g. Genshi events or docutils
>> nodes, so that we could hijack the docutils writers for generating the
>> static documentation)"
>> Has this taken place in trunk ? 
> No, this is not yet started (0.13?).

Ok, thanks for the update.

>> Christian further mentions: "(Trac has) Much improved table markup (the
>> reST table markup is unbearable)".
> The "(Trac has)" shortcut is quite misleading. I never said that the 
> current Trac table markup is any better than the reStructuredText one...
> What I actually said was:
> ...
> I don't see why we should stop improving Trac abilities in this domain 
> (producing documentation).
> Here are some of the relevant *work items*:
> - the WikiEngine refactoring which will make it possible to generate
> structured output (e.g. Genshi events or docutils nodes, so that we
> could hijack the docutils writers for generating the static documentation)
> - Section editing (#1024) so that big pages like the FAQ could be
> easily edited
> - *Much improved table markup* (the reST table markup is unbearable)
> - Lots of possible minor improvements to the syntax and rendering, in
> order to make writing documentation a more enjoyable experience (i.e. we
> have full control over the feature set)
> ...
> (from http://groups.google.com/group/trac-dev/msg/4d2ae7546c67fba4?hl=en)
> ... so this was instead recognizing the weaknesses of both markups when 
> it comes to tables.

Ah, my apologies. I must've read through that thread at too high
speed... Not sure how I managed to misread you so completely.

If it helps, I did find it very strange of you to make such an
out-of-character seemingly nonsensical comment ;-)

>> ===== ===== =====            ||Cell1||Cell2||Cell3||
>> Cell1 Cell2 Cell3            ||Cell4||Cell5||Cell6||
>> Cell4 Cell5 Cell6
>> ===== ===== =====
> The reStructuredText markup is easier to read, but a pain to write (the 
> cells have to line up). The current Trac wiki is less trouble to write, 
> but harder to read in the wiki source.

Agreed. As mentioned in this thread already, there are (currently) no
*good* alternatives -- personally I think the trac syntax has better
potential here -- but i'd like to see table headers.

> There are several improvements I'd like to do in the specific case of 
> tables. One is to make it possible to use a wiki processor for big 
> cells, e.g.
> {{{
> #!td
> any multiline wiki markup here ...
> (much like #!div)
> }}}

Hm... not sure if I agree
"alternative-syntax-x-which-is-just-a-wrapper-for-html" is better than just:


Both html and LaTeX have powerful (but IMNHO painful to read/write)
table markup.

I think that some kind of csv-table might be better -- in general I lean
quite strongly towards What-You-Mean vs What-You-Get syntax for markup.
This is somewhat related to the render-as-anything functionality which I
think is quite essential both for wiki and documentation.

(Eg: pdf/ps w/inline rich content such as vector/bitmap images, graphs,
tables, links; slideshows (ppt or s5), html, infotex etc).

> Also, I just took the occasion of this mail to dump some some Wiki 
> syntax enhancement ideas in 
> http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDev/Proposals/AdvancedWikiFormatting 
> and there are some more ideas related to tables there.

Many interesting points.

I still think there is some disagreement (or non-explicitness) whether
wiki-markup shows meaning or appearance. Personally I prefer to mark up
meaning, even if that will always be "abused" for "visual gain" by
creative users.

Perhaps a strict, not-quite-so-friendly wiki markup coupled with a
simple-yet-powerful rich html/js-editor might be a good idea ?

That way, those that prefer to use eg It'sAllText-plugin with vim and
syntax-highlighting should be able to stay happy, as well as the more
casual users using only the web front-end ?

- -e

- --
 .---.  Eirik Schwenke <eirik.schwe...@nsd.uib.no>
( NSD ) Harald HÃ¥rfagresgate 29            Rom 150
 '---'  N-5007 Bergen            tlf: (555) 889 13

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