On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Lu, Steven (Steven)
<steven.y...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
> Olemis,


> I would like to understand the source code flow, and possibly hack the code a 
> bit when needed in my machine.

My recommendation is to learn about how to write plugins . That's the
way you should start subverting the system . If you really wanna learn
Trac internals beware of the fact that there are a lot of things in
there beyond mere web (e.g. Version Control API, MIME subsystem,
Workflow web , templates, filters , ...) . I've been developing Trac
plugins since some years ago and I still don't know how everything
works , I just have a barely minimal understanding of the things I
care about ... Besides plugins add a whole new bunch of functionality
that eventually may be merged with Trac or you might want to try out .

That's why I'd suggest you to start trying to do something concrete
and research how to do it ... eventually you'll learn


BTW , everything starts with trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher.dispatch
(take a look at the deploy scripts `trac-admin /path/to/env deploy`

> I am new to Python.

Ok, ask specific questions about something you want to do and somebody
will answer . ;o)



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