We have a Trac instance that's been serving our svn repo for many years
and we've been very happy with it. We've just converted to git, and
we're using the Trac Git plug-in (http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/GitPlugin)
with Trac 0.12 and it works; but everything's gotten a lot slower, and
we're not sure Trac and the git model really get along very well yet.
Our repo has around 7k files and around 17k commits total, so it's not
huge. But the trac source browser takes upwards of 30-60 seconds just to
display the top-level source dir!  Most of that is related to filling in
the metadata columns for each file (date, last rev, etc.) The timeline
is slow too, because it also makes a *lot* of queries to git. We've made
some simplifications, and things are OK now performance-wise, but it
seems like there's still a lot to do.

Here's a few of the things that bug us right now: there's some mismatch
between Trac's svn-like model of the world and git's; in the source
browser, for instance, Trac asks for the youngest rev in the repo, but
in git that could be on *any* branch -- so "Browse Source" sometimes
takes you to master, and sometimes it takes you to some other branch.
Tags don't show up in the timeline because the git plugin doesn't yet
implement ITimelineEventProvider (we have a version of that in-house
that works OK now). Previous/next change links are pretty senseless
because they cross branches too (this is

I'm wondering who else is using Trac with git repos? Are others working
on fixing these same issues? It might make sense to work together or at
least share experiences. Is it appropriate to post git-related bugs or
suggestions to Trac anywhere, or should they all be considered GitPlugin

For comparison, how's the Mercurial side coming?  Are people running
non-trivial hg repos in Trac?  Do they face similar model-mismatch
issues?  How's the performance?

-- Gary Oberbrunner

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