Step 1. Backups

Shutdown the Apache web-server
Backup the /var/www/cgi-bin trac files
Backup the Trac project directory

Step 2. Delete old Trac

yum erase trac, and yes, verify the
egg files are gone. (see Note 1)

The upgrade document mentions "share/trac"
there is no such path anywhere on my system
- what is it talking about?
This is your actual Trac project directory.
'share/trac' is just a basic default. Your
location is obviously different. Those Apache
cgi-bin Trac configuration scripts will point
the way.

Step 3. Install new Trac

cd to a download/temp directory and:
svn co 0.12dev
cd 0.12dev
sudo python ./ install  (yes, this method will grab all needed
sudo su -
trac-admin /path/to/trac/project upgrade
trac-admin /path/to/trac/project wiki upgrade

Step 4. Finalize

Restore the /var/www/cgi-bin trac files (see Note 2)
Restart the Apache web server

Those are the simplest instructions I can
offer on the matter. Not trying to complicate
things, and you can completely ignore this:
What I like to do in these matters:

sudo easy_install virutalenv
mkdir ~/dev/DEV-Trac
virutalenv ~/dev/DEV-Trac
. ~/dev/DEV-Trac/bin/activate
svn 'trac/trac-plugins/anything' while in that
environment, test and deploy when satisfied,
before committing to an actual production server

If your interested in such a process, I highly
recommend reading up on the virtualenv.

Note 1: I was unsure as to how you were going
to remove Trac. If by hand, you were going to
need to know your arch (lib or lib64). lsb_release
would give you that information hence why I posted
it. Your right, it has nothing to do with Trac. I
had no idea Fedora did not come with the
lsb_release... shame on them!

Note 2. (adjust your apache trac configuration
accordingly), this is basically what I meant,
(restore a backup). Again, I had no idea which
direction you were going to choose for trac
removal. If by yum erase, surely that would of
deleted your Apache trac conf files (but I am
not 100% sure)... and we don't really want that.
Because again, your right, there should be no
difference between the Apache configuration for
a newer version of Trac.

The good news here, if you perform the above, it
will be far easier to upgrade Trac in the future.

Stop Apache
Delete Trac eggs
svn newest version of Trac, sudo ./ install
trac-admin path/to/trac upgrade (sometimes not even necessary)
trac-admin path/to/trac wiki upgrade (sometimes not even necessary)
Start Apache. Done.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 12:34 AM, petermity <>wrote:

> Jason, thank you for the response.  A few notes/questions before
> trying this (being cautious - this Trac is used daily by a small
> team):
> > ... see if yum can uninstall Trac for you. ...
> Yes, doing this:
>   yum erase trac
> Should remove what "yum install trac" installed: trac-0.11.7-2,
> python-genshi-0.5.1-8, python-babel-0.9.5-2, and
> python-setuptools-0.6.14-3.
> I will then check that:
>   /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/trac
> is gone or empty; if not empty, I'd empty it, right?
> Hmm, the Upgrade page talks about .egg packages; there is one in
> site-packages, "Trac-0.11.7-py2.7.egg-info" - if it's still there
> after uninstalling Trac, I should delete it, right?
> I'll also check that two Trac files in /var/www/cgi-bin are gone.
> The upgrade document mentions "share/trac" - there is no such
> path anywhere on my system - what is it talking about?
> > or maybe it might be easier to read a: lsb_release -a
> FYI, my Fedora 14 default installation doesn't have
> "lsb_release", I'd have to install package "redhat-lsb" to have
> that - but it doesn't seem pertinent to updating Trac anyway.
> > sudo python install
> > ...
> > The Trac installer will automagically grab the needed
> > Genshi/Babel requirements.
> Hmm, the TracInstall page seems to say I'd have to use
> easy_install to do things automatically.  It says just before
> showing the method: "Be sure to have the prerequisites
> already installed."  So which is right?
> > ... adjust your apache trac configuration accordingly
> What would be different about httpd configuration between the
> versions?
> --
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