On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Nelson Brown <brown...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Olemis,


>   So I don't have much of any experience with writing authentication schemes
> using OpenID.  I do, however, find it interesting so I poked around a little
> bit and I'll share with you some of my thoughts.

thnx !

>   So I believe from what I read that you need to create a mapping of OpenID
> authentications (many, Google, Yahoo, some custom service, etc) to exactly
> one internal Trac user.  See the reference here. [1]

This is not exactly the way I was thinking of mainly because I knew
this was not supported by the plugin and it's a bit time-consuming to
implement all this ... :-/
However thnx for sharing that article

>   If you look at the Wiki for OpenID authentication plugin [2], he mentions
> the following:
> # You can use this option to map your OpenIDs to internal username.
> #check_list = http://your.site.com/openidallow
> #check_list_key = check_list
> #check_list_username=

Ok , but that's not exactly what I was looking for ...

>   The part that does the name mangling in case the username is the same as
> an authenticated name appears to be on line 590 in [4].
> {{{
>                 def authnames(base):
>                     yield base
>                     for attempt in itertools.count(2):
>                         yield "%s (%d)" % (base, attempt)
>                 for authname in authnames(authname):
>                     ds = DetachedSession(self.env, authname)
>                     if ds.last_visit == 0 and len(ds) == 0:
>                         # At least in 0.12.2, this mean no session exists.
>                         break
>                     ds_identity =
> ds.get(self.openid_session_identity_url_key)
>                     if ds_identity == info.identity_url:
>                         # No collision
>                         break
> }}}

... this is it !
Briefly what happens is that the plugin only offers this simple method
to bind OpenId logins to local usernames . It's lacking some binding
mechanisms like those mentioned in aforementioned reference [1]_ . I
plan to introduce an interface to implement custom binding algorithms,
I'll refactor plugin code a little, then prepare a patch and submit it
to package owner . I'll let you know once I have something ready

>   Hope any of this helped, or I'm sorry if it led you off the trail.

Sure . Thnx very much !

> [1] http://www.plaxo.com/api/openid_recipe
> [2] https://bitbucket.org/Dalius/authopenid-plugin/wiki/Home
> [3] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/
> [4] https://bitbucket.org/Dalius/authopenid-plugin/src/ebcf176ff6e3/authopenid/authopenid.py




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