On 04.04.2014 15:07, Frank wrote:
> Steffen,
> Thank you for the information.  Do you think it's possible to run
> 1.1.2dev-r11794 on the same new box at the same time as 0.12.2 (the .deb
> packaged version)?
> If so, I wouldn't mind copy/paste the markdown and recreating the pages
> manually between browser tabs. That would enable me to stay with the
> .deb upgrade process in the future.
> Thoughts?

Sure, you can do this, like Olemis already pointed out.

Debian packages
are excellent for using some Trac versions in parallel. You should
definitely try it out, because it will help you testing future upgrades
too, but on a copy of you environment next time.

Steffen Hoffmann

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