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Hello all,

due to joined effort we've finally pushed out tractags-0.7 [1] tonight.

This version is not just a release but a major milestone. It is the
first release after this plugin has been totally rewritten by Alec
Thomas in 2008.
 The plugin does not only fully support i18n, but comes with 4 complete
(for Korean, German, Japanese, Chinese(China)) and 2 advanced
translations (for French and Russian), and there are more on the way.
 For this release we've been working to resolve more than 50 bugs and 20
enhancement requests, from what the most noticeable might be

 #2429: TagsPlugin should handle versioning of wiki tags
 #4503: Performance issues
 #7857: Regression in Tag query functionality
 #9061: Mass tag replacement functionality with tagged realm filtering
 #9521: New install impossible on Trac 0.13dev

This work has been enabled and driven by contributions of more than a
dozen ambitions developers and translators. Thanks to all of you.

Note that we've arranged source distribution via PyPi [1] for your
convenience as well. Have fun, and continue successful Trac hacking.

Steffen Hoffmann

[1] https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TagsPlugin
[2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/TracTags
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove - http://www.enigmail.net/


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