Thanks Mark and Mike for your help.


> It would be useful to see all relevant lines in your trac.ini, there 
> should be others. 

Have you any suggestion of any lines in particular or do you prefer all of 

> Yes, we almost certainly can.  However you can help us to help you by 
providing more of the essential detail, such as the version of Trac you 
have tried to install (very important) your platform (probably Ubuntu, but 
which version?) and, where appropriate, all of the relevant lines from your 

At the moment I'm at office and do not have such informations, but I will 
provide it ASAP

> The short answer (as already mentioned by Mike) is that you (probably) 
need to synchronise Trac with your repository and keep it in sync. 

Yep, I forgot to mention that in my first mail; I've syncronized it via 
trac-admin and there were no scary messages... In 4 hours I will be back at 
home for lunch and provide the exact message I receive.

> All of the above is based on assumptions about your trac version and 
assumes that you have the subversion SWIG bindings installed and working. 

How can I check this?

Many thanks

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