On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:51 PM, <f.pol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings.
> I am currently trying to implement a variant of PrivateCommentPlugin at
> https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/PrivateCommentPlugin for an internal trac.
> Essentially, I need to add a checkbox to the form for adding or editing a
> comment, and then save a tuple (ticket_id, comment_number, checkbox_status)
> in a new table in the database when the ticket is created/edited. The
> content of this checkbox is later used to control the visibility of the
> ticket and comments.
> Now, you are probably thinking, "this is exactly what PrivateCommentPlugin
> does, what's the problem?". The point is that I think that the approach
> taken in PrivateCommentPlugin does not work at all. Essentially, a checkbox
> is injected into the form, and then an IRequestFilter (
> https://trac-hacks.org/browser/privatecommentplugin/0.12/privatecomments/privatecomments.py#L53)
> checks its value and updates the database. The issue is that this is a
> request preprocessor, so the checkbox status is updated before validating
> the ticket change. If the request is later found invalid (for instance,
> because of invalid permissions), no change should be made to the database.
> Instead, if I understand correctly, PrivateCommentPlugin does not check for
> this. It looks like there is a potential security issue: by forging a
> number of invalid requests one can alter the visibility of existing and new
> comments.
> Is there an alternative? From what I understand, ITicketChangeListener
> does not work for me because `req` is not a parameter, so I do not have
> access to the checkbox status (this has been discussed in
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.trac.general/33193
> and
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.trac.devel/7566),
> and ITicketManipulator doesn't work either because, again, the hook is
> called during validation, not after.
> Am I misunderstanding something? Any suggestion on how to accomplish what
> I am looking for?
> Thanks!

You probably want ITicketManipulator:

If you'd like to submit a patch for PrivateCommentsPlugin, I'll review and
commit the change if suitable.

- Ryan

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