On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 12:46:32 PM UTC-7, Гордон Шамвей wrote:
> Hello.
>  I want to change the card component automatically using the post request in 
> the python.
>  I tried everything I could and knew.
>  But  trac gives me just only that (in any version of my code):
>  This ticket has been modified since you started editing. You should review
>>  the other modifications which have been appended above, and any conflicts
>>  shown in the preview below. You can nevertheless proceed and submit your
>>  changes if you wish so.
> I know for sure:  no one changed it. 
>  I'm at a loss. Can you help me?
>  # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
>  #!/usr/bin/python
>  import requests
>  from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
>  from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
>  import time
>  def payload2(hed):
>          payload={\
>                  "__FORM_TOKEN" : hed,\
>                  "__EDITOR__1" : "textarea",\
>                  "comment" : "test",\
>                  "field_summary" : "test",\
>                  "__EDITOR__2" : "textarea",\
>                  "field_description" : "",\
>                  "field_type" : u"info",\
>                  "field_priority" : "major",\
>                  "field_milestone" : "",\
>                  "field_component" : u"Info",\
>                  "field_keywords" : "",\
>                  "field_cc" : "",\
>                  "action" : "leave",\
>                  "start_time" : str(current_time),\
>                  "view_time" : str(current_time),\
>                  "replyto" : "",\
>                  "submit" : "Submit+changes"\
>                   }
>          return payload
>  current_time = int(time.time()*1000000)
>  URL = "http://trac.bla-bla.com/ticket/91279";
>  with requests.Session() as s:
>          s = requests.Session()
>          s.auth= ('user', 'password')
>          login = s.get(URL)
>          s.cookies = login.cookies
>          hed =   login.cookies["trac_form_token"]
>          hed = str(hed)
>          pay = payload2(hed)
>          ttt = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(login.cookies)
>          print_text =  s.post(URL,  data=pay, cookies=ttt)
>          print  unicode(print_text.text).encode('utf8')
>          print print_text.cookies
>          print requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(login.cookies)
>  But ticket does not change. 

You'll need to know the ticket changetime:
It's a hidden field of the ticket page.

Have you considered using XmlRpcPlugin?


- Ryan

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