1. I log into Admin-Webfrontend of trac 1.2.3

2. Add user to group (under certain permission-conditions that i do not yet understand)

3. The (better formatted than below) error message appears:

"The subject %(subject)s was not added to the group %(group)s because the "
"group has %(perm)s permission and users cannot grant permissions they "
"don't possess."

In my understanding of English and trac, adding a user to a group gives permissions of the group TO the user. That's my reason to add them, anyway. But the error message suggests that the user gives the permission (to whom?!).

Also confusing:

 Via command line, trac DOES add this user to this group,
 and without error.

 trac-admin ... permission add user @group

Freundliche Grüße / Best Regards

Klaus Thorn

easydb - manage your data

Programmfabrik GmbH | Schwedter Straße 9B | 10119 Berlin | Germany
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