On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 12:17 PM Gabriel Alves <gabrielt...@gmail.com>

> Hello guys.
> From a few weeks ago to now days, I'm doing some tests with Trac(from
> 0.12x to trunk) and I see it can't handle multiple requests. Is that true
> or I'm doing something very wrong?
> I have some environments using apache and others using standalone. In both
> cases, I faced the same results.
> I have logged only one method(_process_ticket_request) and methods inside
> it(pictures are filtered). Look some pictures and I'll explain it:
> [image: 3.PNG]
> (state, id, local_hour, method, timestamp)
> When the server is ready, the first few requests(open some tickets in this
> example) are handled all at the same time after a long delay(something
> about 5~20 seconds).
> After that, requests take somehow uniform time:
> [image: 2.PNG]
> (state, id, local_hour, method, timestamp)
> How I said, trac vanilla (without plugins).
> I'm alredy done some tests using Locust to open some aleatory tickets and
> the results are very bad(simulation with 50 persons, 5 per second):
> [image: rps.png]
> [image: rt.png]
> I can do something about 2,5 requests per second. (I'm sure apache cand do
> much more and I guess standalone can do it too)
> Conditions:
> Trac 1.0.17~19
> Windows 10
> Standalone/Apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi

You may want to use PostgreSQL or MySQL, rather than SQLite:

Trac 1.4 with Jinja2 should give the best performance.

I don't have experience with Apache on Windows, but I've read there can be
performance problems.

Concurrent request performance is pretty good on Linux with Apache and
PostgreSQL or MySQL, in my experience.

- Ryan

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