The easiest way is probably by using the XML-RPC interface.
Follow the examples here:
You can get the list of all the open (status=1) issues with patches
(keyword=2) using roundup_server.filter('issue', None, dict(status=1,
You can get the list of files attached to each of the issue using
roundup_server.display('issueXXXX', 'files').  I don't know if you can then
download the files from there, but you should be able to urlretrieve them
from  Note that not all the files are
necessary patches, so you might need to do some filtering after the
If you want to experiment with further queries, you can find the keyword,
status, etc. ids using e.g.

Just out of curiosity, what are you planning to do with the patches?
If you find something interesting please share it with us.

Best Regards,
Ezio Melotti
Tracker-discuss mailing list

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