On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Ezio Melotti <ezio.melo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> the message you saw was caused by a problem with the new irker detector --
> it should be fixed now.
> For the record the message you received says:
> """
> New changeset a2b54b6d9759 by Mark Dickinson in branch 'default':
> Issue #16469: Fraction(float('nan')) and Fraction(float('inf')) now raise
> ValueError and OverflowError (resp.), not TypeError.
> http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/a2b54b6d9759
> """
> I'm not sure why it arrived to you though (or did you see it elsewhere?).

The message are being sent to python-dev.  See, for instance:


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