On 10/26/06/10/06 12:59 +0100, Mark Florian wrote:
>I'm running edgy and installed the debs you posted.
>After running trackerd and having it index my home directory, I ran a
>few test searches. The returned results seemed to suggest that only some
>files had been indexed. For instance, if I perform a search for pdf, I
>get only three results. A quick check with locate showed that I have 36
>pdf documents in my home directory.
I'm experiencing the same, but haven't been able to pinpoint it yet. I 
think that the truncating that you're seeing is stemming of the search 
words, so that's ok. But I also do not get all results back that I should.  

By the way, are multiple keywords a conjunction or a disjunction? do I need 
to search for "faceted + browsing" explicitly?

I also got trackerd to segfault a couple of times on asking a query through 
tracker-search-tool. I'd like to give you more information, so how can I 
trace what caused the segfault?

example log from tracker.log:
26 Oct 2006, 13:29:41:374 - Executing detailed search with params Files, 
faceted browsing, 0, 10
26 Oct 2006, 13:29:42:163 - Received signal 'Segmentation fault' so now 
shutting down
26 Oct 2006, 13:29:42:163 - total allocations = 5575, total deallocations = 5567
26 Oct 2006, 13:29:42:163 - shutting down threads

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