On 1/8/07, Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Definitely a FUSE/encfs related problem. I tested the edgy packages
extensively and they work fine.
Though, if I setup a encfs encrypted home, I get the exact same
symptoms. as zer0halo.

You're right, after further testing I found the problem is not the edgy
debs, but the source not playing nice with FUSE. See below:

> Building tracker from source does work and tracker runs normally, though

Are you sure about that? Compiling tracker from source should give you
the same error.

Previously, I had made a couple of changes to the source based on a previous
post from Jamie in this thread. I had changed MAP_SHARED to MAP_PRIVATE in
xdgmimecache.c and depot.c. Then compiled tracker from source, and it ran
okay on my FUSE filesystem (well, there are other problems, more on that
below, but it didn't hang like the edgy deb did.) So I changed those two
files back to their original state (MAP_SHARED), compiled from source again,
and then when running trackerd I have the same problem as with the edgy debs
(segfaulting when trying to "repair" index). So the deb is not the problem.

So I changed xdgmimecache.c and depot.c back to MAP_PRIVATE and recompiled,
and trackerd went through its paces normally. No errors listed in the log
(with --debug). Finishes indexing ("waiting for file events ..."). However,
tracker-search yields no results. Well, let me clarify: It seems from
various tests I've made that tracker will yield results for those files it
has indexed since trackerd was last run. However if trackerd is closed (ie,
computer is rebooted), then on restarting trackerd will no longer show
results from the files indexed, even though tracker-stats shows all those
files as indexed, and on startup the logs show trackerd watching all the
right folders. In other words, everything appears fine - no errors - but
tracker-search yields 0 results.

Any way to make it work with FUSE?

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