--- Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> as a matter of fact a magnifying glass is the symbol
> for "Search" for many programs and for example the
> Tango project. However in the case of Tracker a
> telescope is a very good idea. In my opinion one
> should emphasize that Tracker searches 'deep down
> under the surface', i.e. many different file formats
> are indexed. So a microscope might be even better.
> Yours,
>     Christian Dywan aka kalikiana

Hi Christian

I'm aware that many apps use a looking glass for
search but without exception, all apps that have zoom
use a looking glass for that and it makes sense in
that context.  Many apps in the past have used
binoculars for search, and binoculars make more sense
in that context.  I haven't seen many good-looking
binocular icons though! ;-)

I'd still argue that using a very similar icon to
represent two quite different things is poor interface
design.  Tango isn't necessarily right all the time.

I would put the microscope with the magnifying glass
as looking more deeply AT something, rather than
looking FOR something.

I guess it depends how much you want the icon to
represent what Tracker actually does.  I think there
are two basic questions.

1. Tracker, especially when it is combined with other
apps such as Deskbar could be associated with "Launch"
"Query" "List" "Sort" "Get", "Filter" and any number
of other things.  So maybe the question is "What does
tracker actually do for the user?"

2. The nature of Tracker is to actually deliver
information to other apps systemwide so possibly you
don't need an icon in the UI / desktop context but as
an identity for the project for a website.  One needs
to be simple, scaleable and immediate, the other can
be larger and more detailed.

Of course in the end people can replace the standard
icon with whatever they want so maybe it doesn't
matter :-D

Anyway, if folks would like to see a telescope icon I
can magic one up.



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