2007/7/22, jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 04:15 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> 2007/7/22, Laurent Aguerreche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I propose a patch to fix a bunch of things:
> Hi Laurent,
> after your latest commit (r693), trackerd immediately segfaults on
> start for me :-/
> Backtrace is attached.
not sure what it is

but have added strlen check to laurent's tracker_is_empty_string

can you retest pls with latest

if it still crashes can you get me log with trackerd -v 3

Unfortunately it still crashes. Log attached.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Tracker version 0.6.0 Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Jamie McCracken ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

This program is free software and comes without any warranty.
It is licensed under version 2 or later of the General Public License which can be viewed at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

Initialising tracker...
Setting stopword list for language code de
Using stemmer for language de

Tracker configuration options :
Verbosity : ........................  3
Low memory mode : ..................  no
Indexing enabled : .................  yes
Watching enabled : .................  yes
File content indexing enabled : ....  yes
Thumbnailing enabled : .............  no
Evolution email indexing enabled : .  yes
Thunderbird email indexing enabled :  no
K-Mail indexing enabled : ..........  no

Tracker indexer parameters :
Indexer language code : ............  de
Minimum index word length : ........  3
Maximum index word length : ........  30
Stemmer enabled : ..................  yes
Setting watch directory roots to:
throttle level is 0
Using Sqlite version 3.3.17
Loading prepared queries...
File loaded in  0.575000 ms
initialising the indexer
Opening index /home/michael/.cache/tracker/Files
Bucket count (max is 524288) is 294908 and Record Count is 0
Preferred bucket count is 0
loaded sql file sqlite-cache.sql
Database closed for thread main
adding service definition for default with id 1
adding service definition for Files with id 2
adding service definition for Folders with id 3
adding service definition for Documents with id 4
adding service definition for Images with id 5
adding service definition for Music with id 6
adding service definition for Videos with id 7
adding service definition for Text with id 8
adding service definition for Development with id 9
adding service definition for Other with id 10
adding service definition for Emails with id 11
adding service definition for EvolutionEmails with id 12
adding service definition for EmailAttachments with id 13
adding service definition for EvolutionAttachments with id 14
adding service definition for Conversations with id 15
adding service definition for GaimConversations with id 16
adding service definition for Applications with id 17
Setting inotify watch limit to 16383.
sleeping to prevent slow down of system at boot/login time. Watching and Indexing will resume in 5 seconds...
starting indexing...
0 files are pending with count 0
starting config indexing
0 files are pending with count 0
starting application indexing
Registering path /home/michael/.local/share/applications as belonging to service Applications
Registering path /usr/local/share/applications as belonging to service Applications
Registering path /usr/share/applications as belonging to service Applications
Watching directory /home/michael/.local/share/applications (total watches = 1)
Watching directory /usr/local/share/applications (total watches = 2)
Watching directory /usr/share/applications (total watches = 3)
Watching directory /usr/share/applications/kde (total watches = 4)
Watching directory /usr/share/applications/screensavers (total watches = 5)
0 files are pending with count 0
checking /home/michael/.local/share/applications for 14 files
Indexing /home/michael/.local/share/applications/gedit-usercustom-1.desktop with service Applications and mime unknown (new)
service id for Applications is 17 and sid is 538025 with mime unknown
Segmentation fault

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