It was impossible to launch tracker-search-tool because of a
zero-length argv in the exec call ;). Also, if one tried to exec that
python thing directly it would stop, do nothing, maybe show an
X-cursor because of the missing shebang. This is the fixes.patch

The other one, well, does anybody ever wanted something like that? It
polls trackerd with GetStatus and shows a popup (a _shabby_ one!) if
it changed. This is pretty messy and ugly beginner py+gtk code.

I prefer the status applet with notifications ;).

An open issue is the icon. There needs to e some makefile magic or so
to let the applet know where tracker is installed (and hence has it's
icons) - I don't really know where to start with all that
autogen/conf/... stuff.

Cheers, Marcus

PS: the applet should know about the new _1337_ icon!!1
diff --git a/python/applet/ b/python/applet/
index 6487d23..5ffeb5a 100755
--- a/python/applet/
+++ b/python/applet/
@@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
 import os
 import gtk
-import dbus
 class TrackerStatusIcon(gtk.StatusIcon):
 	def __init__(self):
 		menu = '''
-			<ui>
-			 <menubar name="Menubar">
-			  <menu action="Menu">
-			   <menuitem action="Search"/>
-			   <menuitem action="Preferences"/>
-			   <separator/>
-			   <menuitem action="About"/>
-			  </menu>
-			 </menubar>
-			</ui>
+		<ui>
+			<menubar name="Menubar">
+				<menu action="Menu">
+					<menuitem action="Search"/>
+					<menuitem action="Preferences"/>
+					<separator/>
+					<menuitem action="About"/>
+					<separator/>
+					<menuitem action="Quit"/>
+				</menu>
+			</menubar>
+		</ui>
 		actions = [
-			('Menu',  None, 'Menu'),
+			('Menu',	None, 'Menu'),
 			('Search', None, '_Search...', None, 'Search files with MetaTracker', self.on_activate),
 			('Preferences', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, '_Preferences...', None, 'Change MetaTracker preferences', self.on_preferences),
-			('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, '_About...', None, 'About MetaTracker', self.on_about)]
+			('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, '_About...', None, 'About MetaTracker', self.on_about),
+			('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, '_Quit...', None, 'Quit Status Applet', gtk.main_quit)]
 		ag = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions')
 		self.manager = gtk.UIManager()
@@ -41,20 +45,22 @@ class TrackerStatusIcon(gtk.StatusIcon):
 		self.connect('popup-menu', self.on_popup_menu)
 	def on_activate(self, data):
-		os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, 'tracker-search-tool', os.environ)
+		tst="tracker-search-tool"
+		os.spawnlp (os.P_NOWAIT, tst, tst)
 	def on_popup_menu(self, status, button, time):, None, None, button, time)
 	def on_preferences(self, data):
-		os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, 'tracker-preferences',os.environ)
+		tp="tracker-preferences"
+		os.spawnlp (os.P_NOWAIT, tp, tp)
 	def on_about(self, data):
 		dialog = gtk.AboutDialog()
 		dialog.set_comments('A desktop indexing and search tool')
-		dialog.set_website('')
+		dialog.set_website('')
 		dialog.set_logo(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size('applet.svg', 64, 64))
diff --git a/python/applet/ b/python/applet/
index 6487d23..c25e050 100755
--- a/python/applet/
+++ b/python/applet/
@@ -1,27 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
 import os
 import gtk
 import dbus
+import gobject
+class Popup (gtk.Window):
+	def __init__ (self, status, widget):
+		gtk.Window.__init__ (self)
+		self.set_decorated (False)
+		self.set_skip_taskbar_hint (True)
+		self.set_skip_pager_hint (True)
+		self.set_keep_above (True)
+		self.set_resizable (False)
+		label = gtk.Label ("MetaTracker is " + status)
+ ()
+		ebox = gtk.EventBox ()
+		ebox.set_visible_window (True)
+		ebox.set_above_child (True)
+		ebox.add (label)
+		ebox.modify_bg (gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color (65535, 65535, 56576))
+		ebox.set_border_width (1)
+ ()
+		self.add (ebox)
+ ()
+		scr, rect, orient = widget.get_geometry ()
+		wdir = (rect.x > scr.get_width () / 2) and -1 or 1
+		hdir = (rect.y > scr.get_height () / 2) and -1 or 1
+		width, height = self.get_size ()
+		self.modify_bg (gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color (0,0,0))
+		self.move (rect.x + (width / 2) * wdir, rect.y + (height / 2) * hdir)
+, gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.SHADOW_OUT, None, self, 'tooltip', 0, 0, width, height)
 class TrackerStatusIcon(gtk.StatusIcon):
 	def __init__(self):
 		menu = '''
-			<ui>
-			 <menubar name="Menubar">
-			  <menu action="Menu">
-			   <menuitem action="Search"/>
-			   <menuitem action="Preferences"/>
-			   <separator/>
-			   <menuitem action="About"/>
-			  </menu>
-			 </menubar>
-			</ui>
+		<ui>
+			<menubar name="Menubar">
+				<menu action="Menu">
+					<menuitem action="Search"/>
+					<menuitem action="Preferences"/>
+					<separator/>
+					<menuitem action="About"/>
+					<separator/>
+					<menuitem action="Quit"/>
+				</menu>
+			</menubar>
+		</ui>
 		actions = [
-			('Menu',  None, 'Menu'),
+			('Menu',	None, 'Menu'),
 			('Search', None, '_Search...', None, 'Search files with MetaTracker', self.on_activate),
 			('Preferences', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, '_Preferences...', None, 'Change MetaTracker preferences', self.on_preferences),
-			('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, '_About...', None, 'About MetaTracker', self.on_about)]
+			('About', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, '_About...', None, 'About MetaTracker', self.on_about),
+			('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, '_Quit...', None, 'Quit Status Applet', gtk.main_quit)]
 		ag = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions')
 		self.manager = gtk.UIManager()
@@ -39,22 +75,53 @@ class TrackerStatusIcon(gtk.StatusIcon):
 		self.connect('activate', self.on_activate)
 		self.connect('popup-menu', self.on_popup_menu)
+		self.old_status = ""
+		self.connectToDBus ()
+		gobject.timeout_add (0, self.check_tracker_state)
+	def connectToDBus (self):
+		self.bus = dbus.SessionBus ()
+		self.connectToTracker ()
+	def connectToTracker (self):
+		self.obj = self.bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Tracker','/org/freedesktop/tracker')
+		self.tracker = dbus.Interface(self.obj, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker')
+	def getTrackerStatus (self):
+		st = ""
+		try: st = str (self.tracker.GetStatus ())
+		except:
+			st = "Unreachable!"
+			try: self.connectToTracker ()
+			except: pass
+		return st
+	def check_tracker_state (self):
+		stat = self.getTrackerStatus ()
+		if stat != self.old_status:
+			p = Popup (stat, self)
+			gobject.timeout_add (POPUP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, p.destroy)
+			self.old_status = stat
+		self.set_tooltip ("MetaTracker is " + stat)
+		gobject.timeout_add (POLL_MILLIS, self.check_tracker_state)
 	def on_activate(self, data):
-		os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, 'tracker-search-tool', os.environ)
+		tst="tracker-search-tool"
+		os.spawnlp (os.P_NOWAIT, tst, tst)
 	def on_popup_menu(self, status, button, time):, None, None, button, time)
 	def on_preferences(self, data):
-		os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, 'tracker-preferences',os.environ)
+		tp="tracker-preferences"
+		os.spawnlp (os.P_NOWAIT, tp, tp)
 	def on_about(self, data):
 		dialog = gtk.AboutDialog()
 		dialog.set_comments('A desktop indexing and search tool')
-		dialog.set_website('')
+		dialog.set_website('')
 		dialog.set_logo(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size('applet.svg', 64, 64))
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