OK, the subject it terrific, but it's sadly true.

Let me start summarizing current behavior. The tracker-applet program
perpetually display an icon in notification area. The users can:
      * click the icon to show a special "dialog" to enter search terms
        and to check current daemon status (indexing/paused/idle...)
      * right click to show a menu with additional actions (pause,
        search, statistics, preferences, quit)
      * look the icon to see if the daemon is indexing (the icon itself
        shows an animation when trackerd is indexing data)

What's wrong? Well a lot of stuff, reading HIG[1]:
      * from HIG "Using the status notification area applications can
        notify the user of non-critical events and expose the status of
        active system processes"
      * from HIG "Only core GNOME programs may perpetually display an
        icon in the status area"
      * from HIG "Non-core programs for which a perpetual icon may be
        useful must default to not perpetually showing the icon. Users
        may select to enable a perpetual icon for the application as a
      * from HIG "write an applet instead of using notification area if
        clicking your notification area icon does anything other than
        opening a window directly associated with the icon"

In general: "The utility of the notification area decreases rapidly when
more than about four icons are always present. For this reason, icons
that appear only temporarily in response to events are preferable."

What's the issue? IMHO use tracker-applet for both notification of
indexing status and quick hook to perform searches.

So I think we should really remove from tracker-applet all stuff not
related with the indexing status notification. Also the notification
icon should be displayed (maybe animated) only when tracker is indexing
and will need more then XX seconds (5? 10?) to complete the task.

About interaction with the icon, I think that following actions/features
could be good to have and will respect HIG:
      * Double-click or Space key on icon (default action): open a
        progress/status dialog, showing what tracker is currently
        indexing and statistics.
      * Right-click or Shift+F10 (show menu): show a menu with following
        entries: Indexing Status || Pause Indexing || Preferences (I
        think you don't need any other action to control the flow of the
      * MouseOver: show tooltip with current status[2]

Finally: could we change the name to "tracker-status-icon"?

Oh, if tracker/gnome users really like the idea on an icon on panel to
quickly perform searches, then we should write a *real* applet and use
it only to insert search terms. But please note that GNOME yet sips
deskbar-applet for this task.

PS jamie, do I've to open a bug on bugzilla?
PPS I'll play with glade to design a good dialog for double-clic action

[2] NOTE!! currently it seems to me that tracker-applet don't change the
tooltip when indexing. Is it a bug? The message was available in
tracker-list mailing list

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