On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 07:27 -0500, Anita Lewis wrote:
> Anita Lewis wrote:
> > Anita Lewis wrote:
> >> I have an image that has a comment "Joanne" in the exif.  When I search
> >> on Joanne with the setting for All Files, the image shows up in the
> >> search report.  When I select "Images" the image does not show up in the
> >> search report.
> >>
> >> Is this expected behavior?
> I am convinced now that this is expected behavior. I realized that
> adding metadata to the image did not really change the file.  I
> discovered to my delight that if I edit a text file and immediately do a
> search on the term, I find that file.  It only makes sense that just
> adding a tag or metadata would not make a change that gets picked up in
> the same way.
> I did not find anything in the manpages that tells me how to do a new
> index like tracker does when it first starts.  I assume that doing that
> might pick up the added comments in exif on images.
> Is there a way to create a fresh database?
yes delete the old one :)

either delete ~/.tracker or ~/.cache/tracker

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