On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 23:20 -0400, Jamie McCracken wrote:
> Im afraid Im unable to run latest svn
> trackerd dies everytime I try and search for somehting
> I did following:
> svn up
> make distclean
> make
> sudo make install
> sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/trackerd
> sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/tracker-indexer
> rm -rf ~/.cache/tracker
> rm-rf ~/.local/share/tracker
> trackerd -v 3 
> searching with tracker-search-tool crashes trackerd
> searching with tracker-search returns no result (when it should)
> trackerd output showing it continuously outputs :
> Tracker-Message: Indexed 105/425, module:'evolution', 07m 13s left, 02m
> 22s elapsed
> note I have evol email indexing disabled
> jamie

can you verify it runs correctly with reindex when evo email indeixng is
set to false?

for me it appears the index never flushes as it constantly tries to
index evo stuff but the indexer rejects it 

also can you confirm if tracker-search-tool crashes trackerd when you
supply a search term that does not exist in the index?


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