Chris Fanning wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Martyn Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Chris Fanning wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi :)
> Ok, I tried it and it works. Users are going to love this!
> I think it would be nice to be able to pass a different
> /path/to/my/index_server/tracker.cfg to trackerd on the index_server,
> or equally be able to do the same when starting trackerd on the node,
> but I hacen't seen an option for this in the manpages.

I suppose you could ln -s the file for now. We could add an option to
load the config from somewhere else actually. Should be really quick to do.

> One small problem.
> I start trackerd on the index_server. And when I start
> "/usr/bin/trackerd --no-indexing" on the node it reports "WARNING **:
> Tracker daemon is already running - exiting"

Yea, this tries to get the DBus name when it starts and it if is already
occupied then it exits assuming it is already running. You can get
around this by using different DBus session buses.

Just out of interest, why run another instance of trackerd?

> So I must kill trackerd on the index_server first. Is there anyway to
> get round this?

Not really I don't think. You shouldn't ever need to run multiple
instances of trackerd for the same user/session bus.

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