On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Martyn Russell <mar...@imendio.com> wrote:
> Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What of the remaining pieces reported by michael @
>> http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/ReleaseStatus.
>> The 2nd issue is more serious IMO.
> Actually, I tried fixing an issue I found today with the TST and found it
> was broken in a couple of other ways too.
> 1. 2 email categories
> 2. Development category had > 100 items but nothing when I clicked on it
> 3. (after doing #2), pressing ">" next for the next 10 results would bring
> up some results after a couple of presses, but going back to 0-10 showed
> nothing again?
> 4. Found that #3 was apparent for other categories too.
> I am not sure how many of these issues are new or old actually - that
> doesn't mean we won't fix them, but we should really just guarantee existing
> functionality so we can release *at some point*.

AFAIR, none is a regression.

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