On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Philip Van Hoof <s...@pvanhoof.be> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 14:41 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Carlos Garnacho <car...@imendio.com> wrote:
>> > On vie, 2009-01-23 at 14:08 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> README champions the daemon as memory efficient (3-30MB RAM) and I'd
>> >> like to send a patch that removes the whole paragraph since that's no
>> >> longer the case.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Could you back up such statement with valgrind logs? If that's truly not
>> > the case, patches to make that paragraph true would be more appreciated,
>> > really
>> No, but am just looking at top that tells me more of 35MB currently.
> Note that top usually reports VmSize. VmSize is all of the memory being
> used by the process. This is of course an irrelevant figure as that
> includes the shared memory too (memory shared with other processes, like
> libraries being mapped into memory already).
> What you want to look at it usually VmRss. That's a far more interesting
> number to know.
> You can get the VmRss from the kernel by reading the /proc entries.
> Valgrind will only report what malloc() & co have allocated. Also that
> ain't a correct number as a kernel wont always immediately allocate the
> entire requested size. Instead it creates pages as the memory that was
> requested is being written to.
> So if you do malloc(10M), then you won't be using 10M until you start
> writing to all of the bytes of the 10M.
> The extractor of tracker will for example request a rather large
> allocation this way, but we assume the kernel to only really alloc as
> pages are requested (to avoid having to excessively do realloc instead).
> So just looking at top is definitely not a good way to measure.

What I meant was the RES column in top, just to be clear.

I anyways ran $ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
--leak-resolution=high -v /usr/libexec/trackerd

and go the following output, and I don't know what it says:

==6792== LEAK SUMMARY:
==6792==    definitely lost: 36 bytes in 1 blocks.
==6792==    indirectly lost: 120 bytes in 10 blocks.
==6792==      possibly lost: 43,872 bytes in 84 blocks.
==6792==    still reachable: 6,253,647 bytes in 26,607 blocks.
==6792==         suppressed: 4,496 bytes in 110 blocks.
--6792--  memcheck: sanity checks: 29089 cheap, 220 expensive
--6792--  memcheck: auxmaps: 0 auxmap entries (0k, 0M) in use
--6792--  memcheck: auxmaps_L1: 0 searches, 0 cmps, ratio 0:10
--6792--  memcheck: auxmaps_L2: 0 searches, 0 nodes
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: n_issued      = 856 (13696k, 13M)
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: n_deissued    = 7 (112k, 0M)
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: max_noaccess  = 65535 (1048560k, 1023M)
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: max_undefined = 35 (560k, 0M)
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: max_defined   = 1348 (21568k, 21M)
--6792--  memcheck: SMs: max_non_DSM   = 849 (13584k, 13M)
--6792--  memcheck: max sec V bit nodes:    1581 (80k, 0M)
--6792--  memcheck: set_sec_vbits8 calls: 51138 (new: 1581, updates: 49557)
--6792--  memcheck: max shadow mem size:   13968k, 13M
--6792-- translate:            fast SP updates identified: 48,718 ( 88.1%)
--6792-- translate:   generic_known SP updates identified: 4,920 (  8.8%)
--6792-- translate: generic_unknown SP updates identified: 1,647 (  2.9%)
--6792--     tt/tc: 32,955,230 tt lookups requiring 50,735,061 probes
--6792--     tt/tc: 32,955,230 fast-cache updates, 10 flushes
--6792--  transtab: new        35,700 (767,467 -> 11,066,732; ratio
144:10) [0 scs]
--6792--  transtab: dumped     0 (0 -> ??)
--6792--  transtab: discarded  355 (7,022 -> ??)
--6792-- scheduler: 2,835,614,942 jumps (bb entries).
--6792-- scheduler: 29,089/43,763,705 major/minor sched events.
--6792--    sanity: 29090 cheap, 220 expensive checks.
--6792--    exectx: 12,289 lists, 11,820 contexts (avg 0 per list)
--6792--    exectx: 9,597,286 searches, 9,605,875 full compares (1,000 per 1000)
--6792--    exectx: 0 cmp2, 189 cmp4, 30,892,554 cmpAll
--6792--  errormgr: 1,500 supplist searches, 190,814 comparisons during search
--6792--  errormgr: 83 errlist searches, 199 comparisons during search

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