>  Yes, this can be the reason for all your problems. It looks like the
> tags are not included in the QDBM file. If you are using the source
> code, check the utils/qdbm directory. There we have two small programs
> to inspect the contents of the QDBM files. Use them with your
> ~/.cache/tracker/file-index.db to verify if the tags are there.
>  I am testing it here, and it looks like tracker-search doesn't find
> results on keywords. (the tags are in the DB, though). 

I've spoke too soon, I've tried the command ./print --index-file
~/.cache/tracker/file-index.db > words.txt (print is one of the programs
to inspect the database of course) and I could not find the tags within
the list of indexed words.
btw I was not correct when I said that "tracker-tag -s TAG" is the only
way to search for the tags, I forgot that a query like this would work:
   <rdfq:Property name='User:Keywords' />

btw2, after I've tried that print command a couple of times it seems
that my database got completely destroyed, tracker-applet keeps on
complaining that the index is corrupted, reindexing does not fix it and
dbus-daemon,tracker-indexer and trackerd are eating all the cpu
resources, I guess I'll have to hard-reset my database

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