Hi Ivan, sorry for the late reply but I've been quite busy in the last
days. Before answering your questions, we will be at Maemo Summit and
would be extremely glad to meet you guys from the mailing list there,
if you are attending. It could be a nice chance to talk about our
projects... possibly in front of a nice cold beer :-)

Can we arrange for an dinner or evening out (Friday or Saturday) in Amsterdam?

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Ivan Frade <ivan.fr...@nokia.com> wrote:

>  Nice, other projects as Zeitgeist are heading in the same direction. It
> is a very interesting topic. Tracker is (want to be) the place to store
> the results of all that computation.
Ys, that's the reason why we are so interested in it. We've been
experimenting with other solutions, but none of them was as effective
as tracker is being – Michele/netvandal can witness this in first
person :)

>  After a quick look to the web page, i wonder how "open source" is the
> project? is it close developement (talking about code)? will it be in
> the future? any plans for open developement?
Yes, we are planning to be as open as possible: since we're finding
such a large overlap between our (back-end) project and tracker we are
redefining how to "wrap" and distribute our software, but we've
already opted for a GPL distribution.

Our company is still a little bit uncertain on how to release and
market the user interface, because we'd like to somehow protect our
visual concept (maybe with something like Creative Commons).

>  Sounds good. I guess you will hit the KIO/GIO compatibility problems,
> but it is a very good moment to discuss how to represent the real files
> on our ontologies.
Yes, I've been in other former projects in which we had problems like
those... is there an open discussion to join?

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