On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:10, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe <tshep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 16:14, Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com> wrote:
>> On 16/12/09 14:08, Martyn Russell wrote:
>>> On 14/12/09 10:18, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Can someone guide me step-by-step so that this problem can be fixed.
>>> Hi Tshepang,
>>> Have you tried following this page to help you debug the problem:
>>> http://live.gnome.org/Tracker/Documentation/Debugging
>>> Sorry we have not been able to trace the issue so far. If you could try
>>> using those techniques, we would appreciate it.
>> Jürg mentioned that we really need a data set. He is right. Do you know if
>> this is happening on the same file(s) each time? If you could pin point WHEN
>> this happens (and so which files) that might help. Do you think that's
>> possible?
> I'll reply after I go pin-point and follow that page. Could take a
> while though...

[note] I didn't manage to see the leak when running -store without valgrind

anyways, here goes

$ G_DEBUG=gc-friendly G_SLICE=always-malloc valgrind
--track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
--leak-resolution=high -v --log-file=valgrind-TS.log

last message on terminal:
Tracker-Message: Waiting for D-Bus requests...

on another terminal:

$ tracker-control -s

last messages on terminal:
(tracker-miner-fs:7494): Tracker-DEBUG: Added monitor for
path:'/usr/share/applications', total monitors:1
[New Thread 0xb7784b70 (LWP 7495)]
[Thread 0xb7784b70 (LWP 7495) exited]

(tracker-miner-fs:7494): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not initialize
currently active mount points: Did not receive a reply. Possible
causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the
message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout
expired, or the network connection was broken.

(tracker-miner-fs:7494): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not execute sparql
query: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote
application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy
blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network
connection was broken.
[snip - multiple repetitions of above last message]

back to valgrind terminal:
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: <--- [1] D-Bus request for SPARQL
Query, query:'SELECT ?v WHERE { ?v a tracker:Volume ;
tracker:isMounted true }'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT (SELECT
Uri FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE ID = "v_u") FROM (SELECT
"tracker:Volume1"."ID" AS "v_u" FROM "tracker:Volume" AS
"tracker:Volume1" WHERE "tracker:Volume1"."tracker:isMounted" = ?)'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: ---> [1] Success, no error given
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: <--- [2] D-Bus request for SPARQL
Query, query:'SELECT ?file { ?file nfo:fileLastModified
"2010-01-06T09:39:26Z" . FILTER (?file =
<file:///usr/share/applications>) }'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT (SELECT
Uri FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE ID = "file_u") FROM (SELECT
"nfo:FileDataObject1"."ID" AS "file_u" FROM "nfo:FileDataObject" AS
"nfo:FileDataObject1" WHERE
"nfo:FileDataObject1"."nfo:fileLastModified" = ? AND ("file_u" =
(SELECT ID FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE Uri = ?)))'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: ---> [2] Success, no error given
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: <--- [3] D-Bus request for SPARQL
Update, update:'DELETE FROM
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> {
tracker:isMounted ?unknown } WHERE {
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> a
tracker:Volume; tracker:isMounted ?unknown } INSERT INTO
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> {
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> a
tracker:Volume; tracker:isMounted true } INSERT INTO
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> { ?do
tracker:available true } WHERE { ?do nie:dataSource
<urn:nepomuk:datasource:9291a450-1d49-11de-8c30-0800200c9a66> }  '
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE
"unknown_u" WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END FROM
(SELECT 1, "tracker:Volume1"."tracker:isMounted" AS "unknown_u" FROM
"tracker:Volume" AS "tracker:Volume1" WHERE "unknown_u" IS NOT NULL
AND "tracker:Volume1"."ID" = (SELECT ID FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE Uri
= ?))'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT ID FROM
"rdfs:Resource" WHERE Uri = ?'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT
"rdfs:Resource"."Uri" FROM "rdfs:Resource_rdf:type" INNER JOIN
"rdfs:Resource" ON "rdfs:Resource_rdf:type"."rdf:type" =
"rdfs:Resource"."ID" WHERE "rdfs:Resource_rdf:type"."ID" = ?'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT
"tracker:isMounted" FROM "tracker:Volume" WHERE ID = ?'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'UPDATE
"tracker:Volume" SET "tracker:isMounted" = ? WHERE ID = ?'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT 1'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT
MAX("tracker:modified") AS A FROM "rdfs:Resource"'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'UPDATE
"rdfs:Resource" SET "tracker:modified" = ? WHERE ID = ?'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT (SELECT
Uri FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE ID = "do_u") FROM (SELECT
"nie:DataObject_nie:dataSource2"."ID" AS "do_u" FROM
"nie:DataObject_nie:dataSource" AS "nie:DataObject_nie:dataSource2"
WHERE "nie:DataObject_nie:dataSource2"."nie:dataSource" = (SELECT ID
FROM "rdfs:Resource" WHERE Uri = ?))'
(tracker-store:7485): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT
"tracker:available" FROM "nie:DataObject" WHERE ID = ?'

and that's where -store gets stuck gobbling it up

find attached my -miner-fs config

my place on the web:

Attachment: tracker-miner-fs.cfg
Description: Binary data

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