On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 23:52:32 +0100, THEVENET Florent
<florent.theve...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Trying to integrate Tracker in getting things gnome (gtg) I got some
> problem.
> First gtg features tags hierarchy.
> To solve that I though we could add a property nao:hasChildrenTag to the
> NAO ontology. But that's not enough because when you'll do a query like
> "SELECT ?t WHERE {?t a task:Task; nao:hasTag <your_tag>.}" it will,
> obviously, returns only tasks that have a direct link with the tag,
> while we want to get tasks that are linked with children tags too.
> Then, came another problem.
> when you delete a task in gtg all subtasks are deleted. If you want to
> do that in Tracker you have to get all the subtasks of the task, theirs
> subtasks and finally delete all he tasks you've found.
> As all softwares that features hierarchy of things will have the same
> problem. I think it would be useful to solve that in Tracker.
> We could add a tracker property in the ontology that says: a property
> links the subject and the object in a way that, if the subject is
> deleted the object must be deleted as well.
> Don't know if it's clear !
> Here is an example for cascading delete:
> let's say we work with objects that are task:Task
> we could define the property task:hasSubtask in the ontology file like
> that:
>>task:hasSubtask a rdf:Property ;
>>    rdfs:label "hasSubtask" ;
>>    rdfs:domain task:Task ;
>>    rdfs:range task:Task ;
>>    tracker:deleteChildwithParent true .
> Obviously this is only an idea of mine, so it might be completely dumb.
> But this problem is very important, so please solve it, the way you
> want, or tell me how to do if I can do it right now.

Hi Florent
transitivity and graph path are part of the next SPARL draft I think. You
might want to look at how Virtuoso does it, though it's not in Tracker
currently :

> Thanks,
> Florent Thévenet
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