
> However, I wasn't really able to find any information on how to get the
> metadata into my index in the first place. Could you give me some
> information where to start? Do I move the documents into a
> tracker-watched folder and manually modify the database after the
> documents have been indexed? Or do I explicitly ask tracker to add a
> specific file with specific metadata to the index? Or do I add the
> metadata as extended attributes of the file and put it in a watched
> folder? Or something else entirely?

 Check ~/.config/tracker/tracker-miner-fs.cfg file to know/configure what
directories is tracker watching. Either you move your files to any of those
locations, or you add your documents path there.

 Wait for tracker to index that folder (tracker-status should show the
progress), and then run a query with:

 tracker-sparql -q 'SELECT ?u ?f WHERE ?f a nfo:TextDocument; nie:url ?u. }'

 ?u is the location (the usual "path" of the file) and ?f is a tracker URL.
Then you can run:

tracker-info [tracker URL] and see what tracker knows about that file. Check
that all the data coming from the file is there.

Now, if you want to add more information (like your tags or some custom
date), you need to insert it from your program in tracker. To do that there
is a command line tool (tracker-sparql -u ) or by code using the DBus API.
Here is an example in python. It contains more things, but it is not
difficult to extract the bits you need:



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