On Tue, 2010-09-07 at 16:02 +0800, Vijay Chavan (RBEI/ECV3) wrote:
> I am using Tracker ver 0.9.18 with Ubuntu 10.04.
> I am interested to use Tracker as a backend for media metadata indexing and 
> search with my MediaPlayer UI.
> 1) I need the support for ID3 albumart exctraction from mp3 files.
>    I studied the ontologies at
>        tracker-0.9.18/data/ontologies/37-nid3.ontology
>        tracker-0.9.18/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
>    But could not find class/property which gives id3 albumart thumbnail 
> information.
>    Is there any way that I can get id3 albumart using Tracker from mp3 file.

The file-system miner extracts the album art and puts it into
$HOME/.cache/media-art; it is (afair) not available through tracker but
via the MediaArt Spec described here:


> 2) Also can Tracker create Picture or Video filesThumbanails when the 
> thumbnails for media are not present initially in /.thumbnails directory. 
> (e.g. If the media directory is never browsed with "Nautilus" or other file 
> browser)

As far as I know not, but there is a service called Tumbler which offers
a DBus interface for requesting thumbnails.

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