Hi all,

First of all, many thanks for your reply, information you provide are
really appreciated.

The student stage project is now formulated, we hope to find a student
who likes space exploration to evaluate tracker in this new use case


On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Adrien Bustany <abust...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Hi Ivan,
>> Thank you for your answer. It sound that introspection in this
>> direction is possible.
>>>  I am very curious on how tracker performs on such a big specific
>>> dataset. It is not designed for that (our mind is on user data and
>>> embedded devices) but can be an excellent test!
>> What do you mean about the limitation of the size. In our use case
>> each entry have a small size, for example an abstract of one
>> publication. However, the whole database should store about ~50Gb of
>> entries (for ~15 ontology). Except the case of the sqlite backend,
>> does this could be an strong issue?
> I don't know of anybody having tried tracker with such a big dataset...
> Actually, the optimizations you make for embedded devices and for big
> servers are not really the same :p
> Another solution would be to adapt libtracker-data to make tracker run on
> top of postgres, but that's probably more work and I've no idea how it
> would perform. I would suggest converting your dataset to turtle, importing
> it in Tracker and testing a few queries... If it's too slow, I have been
> using virtuoso in the past and we handled datasets of several hundreds of
> GB without too much problems (you still need a decent machine to run it
> on, and Tracker is *much* easier to use).
> Cheers
> Adrien
> PS. For big datasets, we had also evaluated Oracle 11g, but we dropped it
> for some reason I forgot... Maybe because it was too expensive :p
>>>  good luck and feel free to post questions or write on IRC!
>> Thank you, I will :)
>> Regards,
>> Olivier
>> --
>> -------------------------------
>> olivier.gelux.ch
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