Hi there,

I've done a performance analysis and comparison of Tracker's RDF store
versus E-D-S (Evolution Data Server).

I'll first make a summary of what I think is necessary for readers to
know and understand because both Tracker's RDF store and E-D-S are in
fact different products service a similar but different purpose.

o. The VCard that I'm testing with for E-D-S isn't as complex as the
   Nepomuk-ontology based contact that the tests are saving in the RDF
   example for Tracker.

   This means that this performance test isn't perfectly compared. But
   I'm not a VCard expert myself. And results were rather clear (for me)
   early on.

   I have included the source code of both test softwares in attachment
   so that you can match the complexity to produce better numbers.

o. Given that E-D-S is a single-purpose store for PIM data we expected
   E-D-S to perform much better than Tracker's RDF store. Tracker is of
   course not a single-purpose store. It can store all within the realm
   of Nepomuk's ontology (which has a lot more application and use-case
   domains than PIM)

   It is not the case that E-D-S performs much better, as the report
   below will illustrate.

o. I personally expected E-D-S to scale to large amounts of contacts.

   But a simple loop of adding 2x 1000 contacts makes Evolution's UI go
   flat on its face. The UI doesn't respond anymore at all. The only
   thing that helps is a evolution --force-shutdown.

   The Evolution UI also makes the entire Desktop unresponsive.

   This is important for for example a platform like MeeGo: a version of
   the Evolution UI _does_ run on MeeGo devices (making it part of E-D-S
   as solution on aforementioned platform -- the UI can and often will
   be running, my poor batteries).

   o. For a very very long time after the test.c 1000 contacts loop has
      finished is Evolution running at 95% CPU. Doing who knows what
      (draining massive amounts of power, in any case)

      This makes me conclude that the API is cheating and returning
      earlier than allowed. Maybe not everything is finished, and I
      wonder what would happen if the system would crash. Would all data
      be guaranteed to be persistently stored on the storage hardware?

      Tracker's RDF store guarantees that at return of the API the data
      will be stored (it has a journal for this).

o. After+while the data has been/is being entered into the store can
   Tracker's RDF store perform more complex queries and at the same time
   it can allow queries that cross multiple use-case and application
   domains (deeply link contacts to IM, E-mail, Photos, Videos, Events,
   GEO locations, and many more classes _and_ query using the links).

   This is something that E-D-S, given that it's a single-purpose store,
   can't offer at this moment. Nor does E-D-S provide a rich query lang.
   like SPARQL for this purpose.

   E-D-S is more a get and set system with a rather flat query language.

   We didn't test query performance this time. Given the huge
   differences in capabilities it's probably not an interesting
   comparison the make between Tracker's RDF store and E-D-S.

   With Tracker's GraphUpdated you can do a auto-update-model comparable
   to EBookView's API. QSparql have such a model for Qt implemented.

o. Both E-D-S and Tracker's RDF store have at this moment the same or
   comparable security capabilities.

   With E-D-S you can have multiple addressbooks, with Tracker's RDF
   store you can have either GRAPHs or grouping with a nie:DataSource;
   or any other typical Nepomuk technique for this purpose (like adding
   a addressbook class, if necessary -- there are plenty of ways for

A few somewhat larger tests:

o. Tracker's RDF store with its newest INSERT OR REPLACE support:

   INSERT OR REPLACE is not yet available in master). For reference is
   the original that doesn't use INSERT OR REPLACE also being ran.

   The support for INSERT OR REPLACE is in branch sparql-update.

   More info on INSERT OR REPLACE here:

REPLACE: 1000 contacts: 12.997943
ORIGINAL: 1000 contacts: 13.850410
REPLACE: 1000 contacts: 15.442745
ORIGINAL: 1000 contacts: 27.525495
REPLACE: 1000 contacts: 17.257888
ORIGINAL: 1000 contacts: 27.712315

The GraphUpdated stuff was cleanly being emitted, dbus-daemon was not
being flooded as GraphUpdated is engineered for these volumes of data

More info on how GraphUpdated works here:

o. And now E-D-S:

   I had to kill Evolution's UI because after the second run was my
   entire Desktop computer completely unresponsive and was Evolution's
   shell using 95% CPU. I do mention this because for just 2x 1000
   contacts is this behaviour in my opinion unacceptable.

   I know I will receive a lot of typical hate for saying this, but the
   Evolution team shouldn't feel too proud of this. In my opinion should
   NO amount of input make it possible to let Evolution's UI hang.

pvanhoof@lors:~$ gcc test.c `pkg-config libebook-1.2 --cflags --libs`
pvanhoof@lors:~$ ./a.out 
EDS 1000 contacts: 10.604454
pvanhoof@lors:~$ ./a.out 
EDS 1000 contacts: 11.362855
pvanhoof@lors:~$ evolution --force-shutdown
No response from Evolution -- killing the process

   That "No response from Evolution" should illustrate how bad the
   situation actually became; the process is not even responding to a
   private IPC asking it to cleanly shutdown. Forcing the tool to use
   the kernel's KILL instead. Yikes.

Some smaller tests (yields smaller differences too):

Luckily didn't Evolution die and crash on these smaller tests ...

REPLACE: 100 contacts: 1.348496
ORIGINAL: 100 contacts: 2.839032
pvanhoof@lors:~/repos/gnome/tracker/master/tests/functional-tests/ipc$ cd 
pvanhoof@lors:~$ gcc test.c `pkg-config libebook-1.2 --cflags --libs`
pvanhoof@lors:~$ ./a.out 
EDS 100 contacts: 1.000067
pvanhoof@lors:~$ ./a.out 
EDS 100 contacts: 0.886793
pvanhoof@lors:~$ ./a.out 
EDS 100 contacts: 0.902376
pvanhoof@lors:~$ cd ~/repos/gnome/tracker/master/tests/functional-tests/ipc
REPLACE: 100 contacts: 1.375554
ORIGINAL: 100 contacts: 2.631252
REPLACE: 100 contacts: 1.448647
ORIGINAL: 100 contacts: 2.700024
REPLACE: 100 contacts: 1.400238
ORIGINAL: 100 contacts: 2.787517

I'd love to receive performance numbers from different people, using
different circumstances. Please feel free to use Tracker's mailing list
for publicizing your results.




Philip Van Hoof
freelance software developer
Codeminded BVBA - http://codeminded.be

#include <libebook/e-book.h>

const gchar *vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD\n"
"FN:First %d Last %d\n"
"N:Last %d;First %d;;;\n"

static EContact *
new_test_contact (guint i)
	EContact *contact;
	gchar *str = g_strdup_printf (vcard, i,i,i,i,i,i);
	contact = e_contact_new_from_vcard (str);
	g_free (str);
	return contact;

EBook *book;
int main ()
	GError *error = NULL;
	guint i, y = 1000;
	GTimer *timer;

	g_type_init ();

	timer = g_timer_new ();

	book = e_book_new_default_addressbook (&error);

	if (error) {
		g_critical ("%s\n", error->message);
		return 0;

	e_book_open (book, FALSE, &error);

	if (error) {
		g_critical ("%s\n", error->message);
		return 0;

	g_timer_start (timer);

	for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
		EContact *contact = new_test_contact (i);

		e_book_add_contact (book, contact, &error);
		if (error) {
			g_critical ("%s\n", error->message);
			g_object_unref (contact);
			return 0;

		e_book_commit_contact (book, contact, &error);

		if (error) {
			g_critical ("%s\n", error->message);
			g_object_unref (contact);
			return 0;

		g_object_unref (contact);
	g_timer_stop (timer);

	g_print ("EDS %d contacts: %f\n", y, g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL));

	g_object_unref (book);
using GLib;
using Tracker;
using Tracker.Sparql;

const string insert_query_replace = "
  ?r nao:hasProperty ?property .
    ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\";
	nao:hasProperty ?property .

  ?r a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
	      nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber,
	      nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber,
	      nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
  ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .

  _:tel a nco:PhoneNumber ;
	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
    ?r a nco:PhoneNumber;
	nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\" .
  FILTER(!bound(?r)) .

DELETE { <mailto:rho...@example.com%d> ?predicate ?object . }
  <mailto:rho...@example.com%d> ?predicate ?object .
  FILTER(?predicate IN (nco:emailAddress)) .

    <mailto:rho...@example.com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
		nco:emailAddress \"rho...@example.com%d\" .

DELETE { <contact:r:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e }
WHERE { <contact:r:%d> nco:hasAffiliation ?e }

    _:af1 a nco:Affiliation ;
		rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
		nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:rho...@example.com%d> .

    _:af2 a nco:Affiliation ;
		rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
		nco:hasPhoneNumber ?tel .

	<contact:r:%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
		nco:nameHonorificPrefix \"Mrs.\" ;
		nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
		nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
		nco:hasAffiliation _:af1 ;
		nco:hasAffiliation _:af2 ;
		nie:generator \"addressbook\" ;
		nie:contentLastModified \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
		nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
		nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
  ?tel nco:phoneNumber \"02141730585%d\"

const string insert_query_orig = "
DELETE { <mailto:ho...@example.com%d> ?predicate ?object . }
  <mailto:ho...@example.com%d> ?predicate ?object .
  FILTER(?predicate IN (nco:emailAddress)) .

DELETE { ?resource nao:hasProperty ?property . }
  ?resource nao:hasProperty ?property ; nco:phoneNumber ?key .
  FILTER(?key IN (\"2141730585%d\")) .

  ?resource a nco:CarPhoneNumber, nco:BbsNumber, nco:PagerNumber,
	      nco:VideoTelephoneNumber, nco:MessagingNumber,
	      nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:CellPhoneNumber,
	      nco:FaxNumber, nco:ModemNumber .
  ?resource a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber ?key .
  FILTER(?key IN (\"2141730585%d\")) .

  _:_ a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
    ?resource a nco:PhoneNumber ; nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .
  FILTER(!bound(?resource)) .

DELETE { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
    <contact:o:%d> ?predicate ?object .
} } WHERE { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
    <contact:o:%d> ?predicate ?object .
    FILTER(?predicate NOT IN (nco:contactLocalUID,nco:contactUID,rdf:type)) .
} }

INSERT { GRAPH <urn:uuid:08070f5c-a334-4d19-a8b0-12a3071bfab9> {
    <mailto:ho...@example.com%d> a nco:EmailAddress ;
		nco:emailAddress \"ho...@example.com%d\" .

    _:_Affiliation_Work1 a nco:Affiliation ;
		rdfs:label \"Work\" ;
		nco:hasEmailAddress <mailto:ho...@example.com%d> .

    ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 a nco:VoicePhoneNumber, nco:PhoneNumber ;
		nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\" .

    _:_Affiliation_Other2 a nco:Affiliation ;
		rdfs:label \"Other\" ;
		nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 .

    <contact:o:%d> a nco:PersonContact ;
		nco:nameHonorificPrefix \"Mrs.\" ;
		nco:nameGiven \"First %d\" ;
		nco:nameFamily \"Last %d\" ;
		nco:hasAffiliation _:_Affiliation_Work1 ;
		nco:hasAffiliation _:_Affiliation_Other2 ;
		nie:generator \"addressbook\" ;
		nie:contentLastModified \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
		nie:contentCreated \"2011-03-14T13:47:25\" ;
		nco:contactUID \"c1f1b12d-bc75-4d45-9a1f-b1efe934409f\" .
} } WHERE {
  ?_PhoneNumber_Resource3 nco:phoneNumber \"2141730585%d\"

main( string[] args )
	uint i, y = 1000;
	Timer t1 = new Timer ();
	Timer t2 = new Timer ();
	Connection c;
	c = Connection.get ();

	t1.start ();
	for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
		c.update (insert_query_replace.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
	t1.stop ();

	print ("REPLACE: %u contacts: %f\n", y, t1.elapsed());

	t2.start ();
	for (i = 0; i < y; i++) {
		c.update (insert_query_orig.printf (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i));
	t2.stop ();

	print ("ORIGINAL: %u contacts: %f\n", y, t2.elapsed());

	return 0;
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