Can you give us the mp3 that causes the crash?

If this content is copyrighted use and let us know in private
on IRC (#tracker on GimpNET).

On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 19:29 +0530, John stacy wrote:
> Hello Jürg,
> Below is the back trace. But, I dont know why it is saying "??" in the
> Frame 2 though I have enabled debug option in my Bitbake file using
> CFLAGS += -g still I am getting the same.
> (gdb) thread apply all bt
> Thread 1 (LWP 1238):
> #0  0xb7785197 in strstr () from /lib/
> #1  0xb79e165a in g_strsplit () from /usr/lib/
> #2  0xb64090a9 in ?? ()
> from /usr/lib/tracker-0.10/extract-modules/
>  Attached is the log for gdb. 
> Do I have to add anything else to the compiler options to enable debug
> symbols? 
> I will investigate more into the debug options and let you know if I
> get the more accurate results using the gdb.
> As I mentioned in my previous email, are there any other dependencies
> on the Configuration options? 
> because the same code works fine on the reference ubuntu machine with
> the configuration options different. 
> Thanks,
> John 
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Jürg Billeter <> wrote:
>         Hi John,
>         On Thu, 2011-09-08 at 13:58 +0530, John stacy wrote:
>         > I am executing the tracker-extract as shown below.
>         >
>         > /usr/libexec/tracker-extract --file=/media/2010_320VBR/04\
>         -\
>         > Thalambraalatho\ \[DRGM\].mp3
>         >
>         > It crashes immediately with the below messages
>         Can you please paste a backtrace of the crash?
>            gdb --args /usr/libexec/tracker-extract ...
>         For details, see
>         Jürg
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