On 04/10/12 14:08, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2012-10-04 at 14:32 +0200, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
I'd like to point out that the mimetype is application/x-php, not

Ah, my bad.

sudo vi /usr/share/tracker/extract-rules/90-text-generic.rule

cat /usr/share/tracker/extract-rules/90-text-generic.rule

tracker-control --reindex-mime-type="application/x-php"
Reindexing mime types was successful

touch /home/awilliam/Documents/Development/PHP/jsonRPCClient.php

tracker-control says filesystem miner is idle

tracker-search Vaccaro

What does tracker-extract report when you run it now?

If it doesn't show any full text extraction then it won't find words in the files themselves.

Also, is the FTS config the default or did this change?

  e.g. gsettings get org.freedesktop.Tracker.FTS max-words-to-index

The FTS settings are what you're interested in to make sure content is extracted correctly. If it is, you should see something like this:

$ /usr/libexec/tracker-extract -v 3 -f gtk-web/support.php
Initializing tracker-extract...
Tracker-Message: Setting up monitor for changes to config file:'/home/martyn/.config/tracker/tracker-extract.cfg'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE' was set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_TIME' was set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_COLLATE' was set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_NUMERIC' was set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_MONETARY' was set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
Initializing Storage...
Mount monitors set up for to watch for added, removed and pre-unmounts...
Found 'transfers on vitis' mounted on path '/home/martyn/.gvfs/transfers on vitis'
  No GUnixMountEntry found, needed for detecting if optical media... :(
No UUID, generated:'235f688f21a8309390c04510355624d2' (based on mount path) Adding mount point with UUID: '235f688f21a8309390c04510355624d2', removable: no, optical: no, path: '/home/martyn/.gvfs/transfers on vitis'
Found 'srv' mounted on path '/home/martyn/Remotes/srv'
  Using filesystem type:'fuse.sshfs'
No UUID, generated:'733b3013b3edee81b6e9fb1becef4681' (based on mount path) Adding mount point with UUID: '733b3013b3edee81b6e9fb1becef4681', removable: no, optical: no, path: '/home/martyn/Remotes/srv'
Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Setting priority nice level to 19
Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker/extract-rules)
  Loaded rule '10-abw.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-epub.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-flac.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-gif.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-html.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-ico.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-jpeg.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-mp3.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-msoffice.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-oasis.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-pdf.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-png.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-ps.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-svg.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-tiff.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-vorbis.rule'
  Loaded rule '10-xmp.rule'
  Loaded rule '11-msoffice-xml.rule'
  Loaded rule '15-gstreamer-guess.rule'
  Loaded rule '15-playlist.rule'
  Loaded rule '90-gstreamer-generic.rule'
  Loaded rule '90-text-generic.rule'
Extractor rules loaded
Setting memory limitations: total is 4.1 GB, minimum is 256 MB, recommended is ~1 GB
  Virtual/Heap set to 2.0 GB (50% of total or MAXLONG)
Guessing mime type as '(null)'
  Using /usr/lib/tracker-0.14/extract-modules/libextract-text.so...
Starting to read 'file:///home/martyn/Source/gtk-web/support.php' up to 1048576 bytes... Read 4802 bytes from file, 1043774 bytes remaining until configured threshold is reached
Done (2 items)

SPARQL pre-update:

SPARQL item:
 a nfo:PlainTextDocument ;
nie:plainTextContent "<?php\n$nav = \"support\";\n$title = \"GTK+ Support\";\nob_start();\n?>\n<div class=\"sidebar\">\n\t<h2><a name=\"FAQ\">FAQ</a></h2>\n\t<p>For information about frequently asked questions, please <a href=\"http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-faq/stable/\"; class=\"external\">visit the FAQ</a>.</p>\n\n\t<h2><a name=\"Documentation\">Documentation</a></h2>\n\t<p>Visit our <a href=\"/documentation.php\">documentation</a> page for books, tutorials, articles and presentations about GTK+.</p>\n\n\t<h2><a name=\"GetInvolved\">Get Involved</a></h2>\n\t<p>For support and details about how to get involved, see our <a href=\"/development.php\">development</a> page.</p>\n</div>\n\n<h2><a name=\"GetSupportFor\">Get Assistance</a></h2>\n<p>GTK+ is supported by a number of businesses and they provide services, experience and skills to help the large community of GTK+ users produce innovative customer solutions in multiple industries and devices (like mobile and embedded).</p>\n\n<p>Consultancy partners which support GTK+ offer a range of business services including:</p>\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"#Consultation\">Consultation</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#HardwareIntegration\">Hardware integration</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#Porting\">Porting</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#ApplicationDevelopment\">Application development</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#BackFolding\">Patch set back folding</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"#Training\">Training</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<h3>Consultancy Partners</h3>\n\n<?php\n$businesses = array(\n\t/* (\"Company\", \"Website\"), */\n\tarray(\"Lanedo GmbH\", \"http://www.lanedo.com/gtk+\";),\n\tarray(\"Openismus GmbH\", \"http://www.openismus.com/about\";),\n\tarray(\"Codethink Ltd\", \"http://www.codethink.co.uk/company/contact\";),\n\tarray(\"Collabora Ltd\", \"http://www.collabora.com/contact/\";),\n\tarray(\"Igalia\", \"http://www.igalia.com/contact/\";)\n);\n\nfunction array_random_assoc($arr, $num = 1) {\n $keys = array_keys($arr);\n shuffle($keys);\n\n $r = array();\n for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {\n $r[$keys[$i]] = $arr[$keys[$i]];\n }\n\n return $r;\n}\n\n$r = array_random_assoc($businesses, sizeof($businesses));\n/* print_r($r) */\n?>\n\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th>Companies</th>\n\t\t<th>Websites</th>\n\t</tr>\n\n <?php\n\t $i = 0;\n foreach($r as $index => $b) {\n\t?>\n\n\t<tr<?php echo $i % 2 != 0 ? ' class=\"odd\"': ' class=\"even\"'; ?>>\n <td><?php echo $b[0]; ?></td>\n <td><a href=\"<?php echo $b[1]; ?>\"><?php echo $b[1]; ?></a></td>\n\t</tr>\n\n <?php $i++;\t} ?>\n\n <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div id=\"note\">Not listed above? Want to be? Contact the gtk-devel <a href=\"/mailing-lists.php\">mailing list</a>.</div></td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<h3><a name=\"Consultation\">Consultation</a></h3>\n<p>Perhaps your business is looking for consultancy around using GTK+. If this is what you&apos;re looking for, our consultancy partners affilliated with GTK+ can offer these services. This can range from development, to support, to even queries about licensing and how to integrate the toolkit into your existing solutions and much more!</p>\n\n<h3><a name=\"HardwareIntegration\">Hardware Integration</a></h3>\n<p>With changes happening all the time in hardware, GTK+ is constantly adapting to the requests for newer and richer user interface features. One great example of those is Multi-Touch support. Businesses invested in GTK+ have been at the forefront of implementing this hardware support and working with other projects up and down the Linux stack to make that happen (such as Xorg).</p>\n\n<h3><a name=\"Porting\">Porting</a></h3>\n<p>Porting can cover a range of areas. Businesses supporting GTK+ offer porting applications to GTK+ from other toolkits and also porting areas of the toolkit to specific platforms (for example, Windows 64bit support).</p>\n\n<h3><a name=\"ApplicationDevelopment\">Application Development</a></h3>\n<p>Should you need application development for your solution to be deliverable cross platform, GTK+ has all the tools you need to do that. Most of the businesses who are involved with GTK+ have decades of experience on offer to assist you.</p>\n\n<h3><a name=\"BackFolding\">Patch Set Back-Folding</a></h3>\n<p>It&apos;s not uncommon for companies to start forking a project to customize it and perhaps to keep it in-house. This can lead to wanting new features from an upstream project like GTK+ being available in your forked version. If you need help back-folding patch sets into upstream GTK+ or suggesting new features into the main stream, we have a support network that can help you do that.</p>\n\n<h3><a name=\"Training\">Training</a></h3>\n<p>There are various training opportunities on offer. Everything from writing an application with GTK+ to developing and customizing GTK+. If this is what you&apos;re looking for, there are businesses out there that can help you do that.</p>\n\n<?php require 'template.php';\n" .

SPARQL where clause:

SPARQL post-update:


This is what I would expect. I did this in 2 minutes editing my rules file and running that command. Should be easy enough to test.


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.
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