
Today I stumbled upon the following page:


One of the problems I had with GTG was that I could integrate other TODO
apps with it through Semantic Desktop, and now it looks like GTG is
getting Tracker support through an ontology.

I've been developing a task/project-management app. It's somewhat
different from most todo apps I've seen for Gnome/GNU, but it uses very
similar concepts. So I want to use the task ontology written for GTG.
But I have many additions which this ontology doesn't have.

For example, things like due date and start date may be bound to bigger
time plans, "timelines", which allow for easier project-level control of
time, and efficient time management.

I expect to have many other new features, especially when users offer
their usage patterns. These suggestions will naturally accumulate into
generally useful features which I'd like to export into RDF data and
send to Tracker.

So I've been wondering: Currently those new ontologies seem to target
specific apps. Is there a chance I propose updates and additions to the
ontologies too?
I mean, I don't work on any official Gnome module, but some generally
useful and common task-related classes and concepts would allow much
better integration, while simple apps can ignore what they don't use.
Otherwise advanced features of time management wouldn't not just be
ignored, but files would also get corrupted if one app edits data in a
way which doesn't match the original app's data structure (e.g. open a
time-managed project in a simple TODO app and change due dates manually,
this could do permanent damage to the plans and the original app
wouldn't be able to edit the project anymore).


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