On 06/06/13 10:11, Pierre-Yves Luyten wrote:

On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:37:15 +0100, Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com>
So you want this property to exist more generally (i.e. for nmo and
nfo) right?

Yes if the html property becomes common to nmo and nfo, to me this
would make a lot of sense, since an email too is free to have html or

Sounds good to me.


Also, if you're storing HTML content then why not have the CSS as
part of that? Just curious.


Yes indeed this is possible and i appreciate your will to keep the
ontology clean

the reasons I thought it might make sense to have a background color
distinct from the actual content:
- some plainText notes might have specific background colors
- it might make sense to change the background color without updating
the whole html

So basically the background color belongs to metadata. But I agree,
it's just convenience - i might be too lazy -, technically the html is
enough to solve my needs and i hope others as well.

I thought Ivan's proposal was good too.

We accept patches if you want to take this on, should be a really simple bit of work to do.


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