Hi Tshepang,

Funny thing is that I do sometimes get questions from companies that are trying to integrate Tracker into their embedded appliance. They struggle with the issues that I mentioned last few days here on the mailing list (it's too bulky, we don't want to support the entire Nepomuk ontology - we just want to use it for this this and that -, we only need a miner for that and not for this, how do we limit what the miner extracts from files, how do we reduce the storage usage, etc).

I just don't know for sure how to inspire enough and the right people to do a new refactoring effort that makes it more easy for those companies to integrate the components. Purely in our free time it will probably not happen fast ..

Something like this is what I have in mind:

- tracker-store and libtracker-sparql become libsparql-lite or libtracker-sparql as a separate project - It'll allow installing your own set of ontologies (even requires you to do so) - It'll bootstrap from your ontology and it'll manage certain ontology changes live, even without clients having to disconnect from libtracker-sparql
   - It'll handle SPARQL + our extentions
   - It'll handle SPARQL UPDATE + our extentions

- A desktop-nepomuk package, co-maintained with Nepomuk-KDE (what we always wanted)
  - Provides the Nepomuk ontology

- Other ontology packages could be installed on top, different instances of libsparql-lite and/or joining different sets of ontologies together should be made possible with libsparql-lite (on a GNOME and KDE desktop, app developers should aim to all target desktop-nepomuk).

- The FS miner and tracker-extract join together, tracker-extract becomes a user of libtracker-extract - By default has a backend that does SPARQL UPDATE on a libtracker-sparql setup with the desktop-nepomuk package (not very different from now, just separate)

- libtracker-extract gets extended with public API that aids miner writers with metadata extraction from streams, files and buffer (offset in a mmap, for example)

- Miners are separate projects (GNOME has already started this here https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-online-miners) (the FS miner should also be just like this)

Kind regards,


Op 25/06/2013 19:39, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe schreef:
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Philip Van Hoof <phi...@codeminded.be> wrote:
Wrote this one:

Tracker-related blog posts are few and far between, so I celebrate
each time I see one. Thanks.
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