
fishing for responses, so here it goes again... :)

Am 16.12.2013 um 18:36 schrieb Ralph Böhme <r...@netafp.com>:
> I'm looking into integrating Apple Spotlight support for Mac OS X clients to 
> Samba.
> In order to simplify the design I had chosen for Netatalk (launch my own dbus 
> daemon in _root_ user context, seteuid(0) in user context AFP fileserver 
> processes before every libtracker-sparql function call) I wanted the check 
> back with you guys whether a patch for Tracker that would a (run-time) option 
> to run Tracker in the system dbus context would be acceptable for you.
> I haven't looked at the relevant code yet, but I suppose this may actually be 
> only a few lines of new code for the option and a few changes where we open 
> the dbus bus via dbus-glib (afair) API.

I was just trying to ask, supposed I submit proper patches that would allow 
changing the default behaviour as described, would these patches be acceptible? 
There's no sense in maintaining this stuff downstream, because of the need to 
enable any downstream consumer who wants to marry Samba with Tracker (distros, 
OEMs) to do so using the default packages.

Happy New Year!
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