
I'm currently looking into packaging 0.17.* for Debian and noticed
that after upgrading to 0.17.4, only tracker-store was running:

$ tracker-control
Found 165 PIDs…
Found process ID 14770 for 'tracker-store'

02 Mar 2014, 15:46:14:  ✓     Store                 - Idle

02 Mar 2014, 15:46:14:  ✗     Extractor             - Not running or
is a disabled plugin
02 Mar 2014, 15:46:14:  ✗     File System           - Not running or
is a disabled plugin
02 Mar 2014, 15:46:14:  ✗     Applications          - Not running or
is a disabled plugin

Any idea what's wrong here? Is that a change in behaviour and these
components need to be enabled explicitly now? Am I missing something?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?
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